Hoarse Rooster


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
Creedmoor, NC
One of my adult roos sounds kinda weird and hoarse this morning as he crows. He is active and seems normal, eating and drinking... but just sounds weird. Any ideas?

Ok edited to add... I chased him down and caught him and put him in a small cage away from the others. His breathing sounds kinda wheezy too. Definitely something wrong with him, but he is definitely still in good spirits (hellllloooo ladies!). No discharge from eyes or nose, i opened his mouth and everythign looks ok in there (as far as I can tell). He doesnt smell funny and was eating the sunflower seeds I baited him with in order to catch him. His weight feels normal too.
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How old is he? Maybe just a voice change? Not sure what to tell ya...but if he is eating, drinking, and poo is normal...sounds like he might just have a sore throat. Maybe he crowed too much yesterday.? Good idea to seperate him, just in case. Maybe a good dose of vitamins to help him get back to his old self.?
I am glad I looked here first, as I was gonna post a thread about the Exact same thing!!! My 1 yr old Americauna roo is acting the same way!! His crow sounds off, and he sounds a little weazy while breathing. I have never had anything like this before, I am stumped. I have also noticed that his comb isnt a bright red, like it normally is, it just looks a tad off.

Today he sounds fine. His crowing sounds pretty normal. I still have him in a dog kennel separated, because it still makes me nervous. I have been pretty lucky with my chickens so far as diseases goes... so I dont want to take any chances. Does anybody have any ideas what this might be/have been?
when did you last worm your birds?
how is his poos??? It isn't really possible to make a guess when this is the only symptom... what do you feed him? (roosters should have an alternative feed to choose from as the layer has too much calcium and will cause kidney problems)
I know its a stumper... why don't these birds read the chicken books I left out for them. *sigh*

His poos look great.

I have not used any chemical dewormers, but I did get some DE from First State and used that according to the directions in their feed. That was probably 3-4 weeks ago. He is free-range, and has access to Layena and Flock Raiser. They also get sunflower seeds as a treat a couple times a week. Sometimes they steal millet from the guineas.

Assuming we have no idea what his deal is (injury, infection, chicken owner paranoia), how long should I keep him up for saftey? Is a week long enough after being symptom free? He calls to his ladies from the kennel... poor guy. They, of course, completely ignore him. The other roos are fine (and enjoying the extra lady-time).

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