Hi, I’m new here.


Jan 29, 2024

I am new here. We have had a super small flock for about 3 years (currently 3 bantams). I’m hoping to add some new chicks this spring for laying. I love watching our girls peck and hunt for goodies. They each have such different personalities. One of our girls, a sebright, thinks she’s a roo and crows on top of the coop 🤦🏻‍♀️ We are also considering raising meat birds. I have a lot of research to do in that regard and that is how I found this site 😊 in my non chicken time we like to fantasize about what homesteading would be like. My husband and I both work in healthcare so we are pretty busy with that. I’m a nurse and that came in handy when one of our girls survived a hawk attack. Truly a miracle, she lived inside with me for a few months and with the help of a local chicken guru to guide me she is fully healed and back with the others.

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