Herons - Are they predators?

I have two pairs of night herons nesting in my trees in my back yard. They have NEVER so much as looked at my chicks. I have to assume they fly to the nearby lake to fish and then come back here to nest. I enjoy seeing them. I consider it an honor that they feel safe enough in my yard to build a nest and sit eggs here. I agree that calling them "predators" in this forum is akin to calling up the mob with pitchforks. People go a bit insane when you say the P word here.
Predator should not be a dirty word. All predators should be respected for what they are. When you have a particular predator around and you respect their habits, you can usually guard your flock effectively against them.
When you have predators with learned behavior that goes out of their natural tendencies, you are much better off disposing of them.
Coons walking around in broad daylight hunting your flock would be a good example, because this would be a learned behavior for them since they are traditionally nocturnal.
Herons would typically stay around water. If they do "learn" to go after easy pickins like chicks, then the proper steps to deal with them legally needs to be taken. There are legal ways to remedy predation of domestic animals.
My witnessed a wild great blue heron grabbing and eating several ducklings at the San Diego Zoo.... In nature predatory animals/birds have evolved to survive - if they can catch something and it fits down their throat, it's dinner. It's that simple.
Several months ago, I watched a PBS special about an area of the Amazon that floods in the rainy season and really becomes a giant lake. This happened during their heron breeding season. Any baby herons that are not successful during their initial flight are quickly pirahna prey. Kind of horrifying to watch.

Imp- guess it's true that the worm turns.
They are hardcore predators here. They are of biblical purportions in this area.It is so bad you cant have a fish pond in the whole city without a net over it and im dead serious .They gobble up just about all the wild ducklings and anything else they can fit down the throat . No fear of humans whatsoever. If you are near the water and cleaning fish dont turn your back. The balance of nature is way off kilter here with blue herons by a long shot. Some would be nice. Just not what we have going on now. Wonder how they taste?

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