Hens have black spots on combs

Boy George

In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2024
Hi there! We're relatively new to raising chickens (we have our first 9 hens coming up on a year old this spring). I recently noticed that a few hens have small black spots on their combs.

We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Ameraucanas. They have a large 8x8' raised coop that is protected from the elements and a fully enclosed 8x24' run. They do not free range and spend most of the day in their run. They primarily eat layer pellets and have chicken scratch and mealworms as supplements.

We live in Southern California in the hi-desert. Outside temperatures have been a bit on the colder side but haven't dipped below freezing. And the coop where the hens roost at night has lots of straw bedding and remains warmer than outside temps.

I haven't noticed changes in behavior or other indications they are unwell. The only difference I've noticed are the small black spots. I've attached some pictures of one of the Barred Rocks where the spots are most apparent. Any ideas what could be causing this or how I could diagnose the source of the issue?


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Hi there! We're relatively new to raising chickens (we have our first 9 hens coming up on a year old this spring). I recently noticed that a few hens have small black spots on their combs.

We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Ameraucanas. They have a large 8x8' raised coop that is protected from the elements and a fully enclosed 8x24' run. They do not free range and spend most of the day in their run. They primarily eat layer pellets and have chicken scratch and mealworms as supplements.

We live in Southern California in the hi-desert. Outside temperatures have been a bit on the colder side but haven't dipped below freezing. And the coop where the hens roost at night has lots of straw bedding and remains warmer than outside temps.

I haven't noticed changes in behavior or other indications they are unwell. The only difference I've noticed are the small black spots. I've attached some pictures of one of the Barred Rocks where the spots are most apparent. Any ideas what could be causing this or how I could diagnose the source of the issue?
Welcome to BYC!! :frowJust looks like tiny scabs from the chicken pecking, nothing you should worry about :thumbsup
Hi there! We're relatively new to raising chickens (we have our first 9 hens coming up on a year old this spring). I recently noticed that a few hens have small black spots on their combs.

We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Ameraucanas. They have a large 8x8' raised coop that is protected from the elements and a fully enclosed 8x24' run. They do not free range and spend most of the day in their run. They primarily eat layer pellets and have chicken scratch and mealworms as supplements.

We live in Southern California in the hi-desert. Outside temperatures have been a bit on the colder side but haven't dipped below freezing. And the coop where the hens roost at night has lots of straw bedding and remains warmer than outside temps.

I haven't noticed changes in behavior or other indications they are unwell. The only difference I've noticed are the small black spots. I've attached some pictures of one of the Barred Rocks where the spots are most apparent. Any ideas what could be causing this or how I could diagnose the source of the issue?
That's normal. It happens when they get pecked or even bit by gnats and mosquitoes. Nothing to worry about! :D

By the way....

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