Hens eating eggs


Mar 18, 2021
My hen is eating her eggs, I think. I was getting 2 eggs a day then all of a sudden........... none. I filled eggs with mustard and they still ate them. WHAT CAN I DO! I'm trying to incubate but I can't when I'm not getting any eggs.
My hen is eating her eggs, I think. I was getting 2 eggs a day then all of a sudden........... none. I filled eggs with mustard and they still ate them. WHAT CAN I DO! I'm trying to incubate but I can't when I'm not getting any eggs.
You can try the fake ceramic eggs. They work for awhile. The best thing to do is make the nest box and roll away one. Slant the floor toward the back and cover the area where the egg rolls with another board so the chickens can't get to the egg. Are you sure they are eating. Usually they leave part of the shell or have yolk on their beaks so you know they are eating.
I watched them eat the ones filled with mustard. Though, there is no sign of yolk or shell ANYWHERE.
My chickens are really weird. They seemed to like mustard and hot sauce. And here's another thing about them. They eat eggs when I'm home. I check every hour to hour and half sooner in the Winter. The other day I was gone from 0830 until 1500 hours and they laid 8 eggs from 12 chickens. I have one that is 4 years old and another 2 that are 3 years old. Not one eaten egg. Most eggs I've gotten since the days are longer. Today it rained all day and I got 8 again. And the local mom and pop aren't buying fresh eggs as the store bought are very cheap I guess. Right now giving away and making fantastic quiche.

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