Hen's Been Sitting on Eggs 30 Days - Nothing Happening


6 Years
Apr 24, 2017
I expected the first two eggs to hatch around July 4th and subsequent 8 eggs shortly afterwards. I figure they've been there for up to 30-35 days. I took the hen off the nest to inspect and she was very upset - and got right back on the nest. Should I throw all the eggs out, or is there a way to inspect? Unsure how best to proceed.
You should candle the eggs because after that long, I am not sure that any would still be alive. They may not have been good from the beginning or quit early. Handle the eggs very carefully because they could blow up in your hand if they're shaken after being sat on for so long. All the gas has probably built up in them.

Here is an article on candling:

After 25 days forget about it. 30 days they become bombs. Lol

start over. 21 days is the statistical number for fertilized eggs.
I just had a bomb today. It wasn’t that old though, it was only about 18 days. My broody has pushed it out of the nest. I chucked it and it exploded in the woods 😂 It made me jump because it was loud!
Any advice/tips for when i gingerly remove these egg bombs? I'm thinking a little garden spade into a padded bucket and then burying.
Also, anything I should do for the brooding hen? I'm sure she's going to be devastated - by the way she acted when i took her off the nest today...
What color eggs are they? Some are super easy to candle, especially if the hen doesn't attack your hand when you reach in there. I used my phone's flashlight on level 5 to candle Pheonix eggs. I got to see a baby turn and look at me XD

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