Hens Again In the East: My Flock's Autobiography


7 Years
Sep 13, 2015
:frowHello, Hola, Hallo, Ciao, Marhaba, Nǐ hǎo! Greetings from the flock!
To introduce their caretaker, I have been raising chickens since 2015, originally in the high elevation of Wyoming until life happened and now we're settled on the east coast in Pennsylvania! We're just getting our flock up and cluckin'; chicks are set to arrive tomorrow and the already-present shed on the property is getting prepped for its fate as a coop. I'm creating this thread as a means of documentation for the flock's journey as well as hopefully an as-problems-arise outlet of inquiry. Feel free to watch this cirque de poulets (circus of chickens) through the screen.

Their narrative is what they'll make it be (with help from their devoted caretakers of course); this is how it's playing out:

Written by: PouleNoire from first-hand accounts of the poultry from the flock.
Baby chicks have touched down at their new home:love!!
Breed List:
  • Black frizzle cochin bantam (2)
  • Egyptian Fayoumi (2)
  • New Hampshire Red
  • Porcelain D'uccle
  • Buff Brahma bantam
  • Ancona
  • Snowy Easter Egger
  • Silver Pencilled Rock
  • Lavender Orpington
  • Blue Andalusian (that I think is a splash!)
Here's some pics:
20200318_155747.jpg 20200318_155417.jpg 20200318_155357.jpg 20200318_155347.jpg 20200318_155341.jpg 20200318_155733.jpg
Not the best just wanted to get some first day pics, the heat lamp casts a great (not) filter over them.:rolleyes: Now time to try and figure out names!
Thank you:) They're doing well so far, had one pasty but nothing to be worried about. Some of the most chill chicks I've had; not scared of my hand whatsoever!

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