Hen With Swollen Face and Runny Eyes PLEASE HELP


Jul 10, 2017
I have this Speckled Sussex, she is almost a year old. Her weight is normal right now, but her eyes are runny with a clear but goopy liquid. The skin above her eyes is swelling as well.
She was standing around drooping her head and wings earlier today, and now she is sitting in the nesting box not wanting to get up. I am sure she is not there to lay an egg; she laid one earlier today.These symptoms just started today, as I said before.
None of my other chickens have these symptoms, they are all walking around the yard happily. She doesn't have any injuries, as far as I can tell.
I don't know what might have caused this, though my fool of a dad bought a different type of wood chips for bedding (for the chickens), and didn't check if the wood chips had pesticides on them (do they put stuff on wood chips?). She has been drinking normally, I haven't seen her eating, but she may have been eating when I was not there. My hen's poop looks normal. I haven't tried to treat her yet.
If the new shavings are cedar or have an unusually strong smell I would remove them asap.

I doubt that would cause her decline though...... I just know that cedar is very hard on birds lungs.

I am confident that more knowledgeable folks will be along very soon.

Can you get a couple pictures of her?
It can really help.
If the new shavings are cedar or have an unusually strong smell I would remove them asap.

I doubt that would cause her decline though...... I just know that cedar is very hard on birds lungs.

I am confident that more knowledgeable folks will be along very soon.

Can you get a couple pictures of her?
It can really help.
yep its cedar im getting rid of it now

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