Hen with pretty bad bumblefoot


Nov 18, 2023
I went to the vet because my buff cochin wasn't walking around much and seemed lethargic. Turns out she has bad bumblefoot in both feet. She never showed any pain and did not limp. I didn't check her feet, which I should have.

They gave me medications and treatments, heres what I am supposed to do daily
1. Flush wound with iodine + warm water
2. Apply antibacterial ointment
3. apply cotton pad to the foot pad
4. wrap in cotton gauze
5. wrap that in sticky gauze

How long will the healing process take on estimate if she wasn't clearly in too much pain? Vet said it would take about a week of doing this process.

Another thing the vet diagnosed was Coelomic distention. Can I get some advice on this. She has a distended belly, but they did an ultrasound and didn't find any fluid in it, so it's not water belly. They perscribed antibotic pills to give her.

I hope shell do well! I can attach photos tomorrow

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