Hen vs Roo behaviors as chicks?


Apr 7, 2023
Just wondering if there are any behaviors you've noticed in chicks less than a month old that might be good indications of their sex!

I've got three 3 week old straight run chicks right now and I think two of them might be boys just based on how I've seen them stand up tall, nearly chest to chest with eachother like they were squaring up to spar. They're also bigger than the one suspected hen, but one of the maybe boys has a lot of brahma in him so I'm not sure if that means much.

I had a previous batch of straight run EEs where I ended up with 4 boys and 1 girl and this play fight behavior showed up in my two bossiest roos from that bunch, starting from when they were about 3 weeks.

For other behvaiors I don't have much else to report, at three weeks they generally act very similar except the brahma seems to be the bravest. I have a lone hen from my prior batch and every day I bring her over to the babies so they can see each other (there's a glass panel separating them) and the brahma always seems to put himself between her and the other two chicks.

Also one of the chicks makes noises that I've only ever heard near the budgies and cockatiels at petco LOL never heard any of my chicks make these noises, is that normal or an indicator for a specific breed? This chick is mostly black with white wing tips. Single row comb is coming in pink/skintone so far.
I thought like that as well before but they ended being hens so I don't think its fool proof lol. They ended up being the bossiest hens and the most jealous
All chicks can play fight, although having said that, they only time I have seen 2 week old chicks fighting some much that they got a bit of blood on their combs, they were male.
Basically, fighting at young ages doesn't mean anything, but the more a particular chick does it, the higher the chances are that it is a male, if that makes any sense!
Also one of the chicks makes noises that I've only ever heard near the budgies and cockatiels at petco LOL never heard any of my chicks make these noises, is that normal or an indicator for a specific breed? This chick is mostly black with white wing tips. Single row comb is coming in pink/skintone so far.
Any chance you could get a video of it?? I'm quite curious to hear what it sounds like!
(videos have to be uploaded to yt, or similar, and then linked to here, so don't worry if its to much bother)

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