Hen sex drive


Nov 10, 2020
I have a male Pekin which I keep separated from my 2 hens due to his over mating one of the girls ( got down to her skin on the back of her neckšŸ˜§). My problem is, now that the two girls are separated they seem to be trying to mate one another and now one of the girls (the other one, is is starting to lose a lot of feathers down the back of her neck! I have 2 females that are 22 days old and not ready to be put in with the older girls. My Khaki Campbell tries to push them over and stomp on them). That's another post for another time though. I need to know if there is anything I can do to keep the two older girls from over mating each other. I do allow conjugal visits from my male Pekin at least once a day but that doesn't seem to be enough for a duck! Lol Any advice would be appreciated.
Personally, I feel that it is sexual - at least in my flock. Though I respect others' opinions.

All my ducks are female. My more dominant ducks request that my less dominant ducks mount them. My most dominant duck often has a sparsely feathered neck from mating. They just hold on with their bills, they don't rip feathers out on purpose.

I let them do their thing and I don't interfere. I would if I had a drake, though, because they can be much more aggressive.
Personally, I feel that it is sexual - at least in my flock. Though I respect others' opinions.

All my ducks are female. My more dominant ducks request that my less dominant ducks mount them. My most dominant duck often has a sparsely feathered neck from mating. They just hold on with their bills, they don't rip feathers out on purpose.

I let them do their thing and I don't interfere. I would if I had a drake, though, because they can be much more aggressive.
Interesting. I guess I'll let them be and maybe it'll get better when the other 2 are old enough and I can put them all, my drake included, back together. Thank you!

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