Hen pecked in the eye by the Rooster

Quacking ducks

Premium Feather Member
5 Years
May 31, 2019
What should I do for my hen? I went out this afternoon and she was walking around with one eye closed. I walked up to her and tried to get her to open her eye, but she wouldn’t or couldn’t open it. I can make it come open, but she opens her beak a little like it hurts. My roosters been beating up on her for the last couple of months. Is there anyway to save her eye or will she go blind in that eye? I have already removed her from where my rooster is
In addition to saline or eye wash (Bausch and Lomb Eye Relief is good,) You can apply plain Neosporin or Terramycin eye ointment into the eye twice a day. A pecked eye could develop infection or the eye could be blinded, so it would be good to get a look at it when the swelling eases. Also try to rule out a sinus infection or MG by looking for eye bubbles or gunk in the eye. Can you separate the roosters? Are they bullying the other hens? She needs to be placed into a wire dog crate or pen with food and water.Try to get her eating some cooked egg and wet chicken feed at least twice a day, since she may not be seeing very well now.
In addition to saline or eye wash (Bausch and Lomb Eye Relief is good,) You can apply plain Neosporin or Terramycin eye ointment into the eye twice a day. A pecked eye could develop infection or the eye could be blinded, so it would be good to get a look at it when the swelling eases. Also try to rule out a sinus infection or MG by looking for eye bubbles or gunk in the eye. Can you separate the roosters? Are they bullying the other hens? She needs to be placed into a wire dog crate or pen with food and water.Try to get her eating some cooked egg and wet chicken feed at least twice a day, since she may not be seeing very well now.
Where would I buy that stuff? she slept on my lap for a while, and now she is able to open it a little bit for just a few seconds. The eye itself looks ok to me and it doesn’t look like the swelling, but there’s some scratches on her face. I will check for infection in the morning. right now I have snuggles the hen sleeping in the duck house tonight and then I will put my rooster in a kennel in the morning when she goes out. I have my rooster on for free right now trying to get rid of him. she still has a very good appetite, though she does her struggle to see her food right now. My rooster has been mating with all 12 hens but he’s been bullying mainly Snuggling, sometimes she comes running to me for help or flies up into my arms to get away from him
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In addition to saline or eye wash (Bausch and Lomb Eye Relief is good,) You can apply plain Neosporin or Terramycin eye ointment into the eye twice a day. A pecked eye could develop infection or the eye could be blinded, so it would be good to get a look at it when the swelling eases. Also try to rule out a sinus infection or MG by looking for eye bubbles or gunk in the eye. Can you separate the roosters? Are they bullying the other hens? She needs to be placed into a wire dog crate or pen with food and water.Try to get her eating some cooked egg and wet chicken feed at least twice a day, since she may not be seeing very well now.
I’m also wondering if she might have a concussion, in the dim light she will open her eye a little, but when my flashlight gets near her, she closes it again and tries to hide.
Where would I buy that stuff?
You can find saline at stores like Walmart, CVS, etc.
Terramycin eye ointment can be found at TSC or ordered online.

If you can't find Terramycin, you can use Original Neopsorin in the eye.

She may have suffered some head trauma as you've mentioned. It wouldn't hurt to give her 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily for at least a week (you can do this for several weeks if you wish). Give her bits of egg or tuna to help with the uptake of E.
What should I do for my hen? I went out this afternoon and she was walking around with one eye closed. I walked up to her and tried to get her to open her eye, but she wouldn’t or couldn’t open it. I can make it come open, but she opens her beak a little like it hurts. My roosters been beating up on her for the last couple of months. Is there anyway to save her eye or will she go blind in that eye? I have already removed her from where my rooster isView attachment 3796642
It doesn't look swollen so that's good. I was told to use a safe saline solution then a medicine called Curicyn.

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