Hen lethargic, huge inflamed abdomen, crusty smelly feathers,


In the Brooder
Aug 9, 2023
Our 1 year and 9 month old hen was starting to act funny last night, as she was going in the nesting box instead of the roosting bar at night. We thought she had a late egg. But this morning, I noticed she was standing still by the water, ignoring the food i had brought in. I picked her up to look at her vent and she went straight back to the water. When I came back, she was laying down by herself while the others ate.

Here are her symptoms:
Standing still, lethargic, zoned out
Looks uncomfortable and standing squished/a little upright
Her vent is very large, inflamed and red and smelly.
Her crop was HUGE full of water when i picked her up she started to purge it).

Possibly unrelated but her tail and back feathers are thinning/ missing

As of now, I brought her inside and bathed her vent feathers in warm water and epson salt (incase of egg bound as well)
she was wrapped up in a towel falling asleep, now she’s walking around exploring the house a little. Her comb and wattles are red, even a little purple/dark red at the top.
Her poop was straight clear liquid aswell.

It seems like vent gleet but her other symptoms raise concern for me.
If anyone knows what this could be and tips to treat it, that would be greatly appreciated.


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I would say vent gleet since distended vent is a primary symptom and full crop can happen also in addition to the vent. Aww poor lil thing!

Could also be concurrent with major systemic inflammation...
I would say vent gleet since distended vent is a primary symptom and full crop can happen also in addition to the vent. Aww poor lil thing!
Thank you for your reply!! I’ll start treating her for vent gleet.
She’s snuggled up dozing off in my lap at the moment.
Thank you for your reply!! I’ll start treating her for vent gleet.
She’s snuggled up dozing off in my lap at the moment.
You're very welcome! That's what I would do. If full crop continues, especially if hot, it will be important to be ready with an anti inflammatory, even a vet to make sure there's no secondary issue going on as well. I'm sorry that there aren't more replies flowing in.

Aw little sweet thing, snug in your lap. I really hope she does fantastic. You've got this! :)
Welcome to BYC!

When was her last egg? I'm wondering if she may be egg bound...
I'd go ahead and treat for egg binding, just incase.

For her crop it sounds like sour crop, here's an article about it.->


A slow functioning crop can be a sign of other underlying issues, being egg bound can and will cause them.

Here's an article about vent gleet.->
I’m not sure when her last egg was but there are a few in our collection that look like hers.

I’m going to go ahead and treat her for everything because she seems to show symptoms of being egg bound with the way she is acting.

Thank you so much for your reply and articles! Super helpful
Do you happen to have one on hand for specific egg binding treatments?
I’m going to go ahead and treat her for everything because she seems to show symptoms of being egg bound with the way she is acting.
Good idea. Won't hurt!
Thank you so much for your reply and articles! Super helpful
Do you happen to have one on hand for specific egg binding treatments?
My pleasure!
For egg binding, you'll wanna give epsom salt baths, and calcium citrate +D3 tablets once a day.
Standing still, lethargic, zoned out
Looks uncomfortable and standing squished/a little upright
Her vent is very large, inflamed and red and smelly.
Her crop was HUGE full of water when i picked her up she started to purge it).
Doesn't look like Vent Gleet.

Get the Calcium Citrate with D3 into her and work on hydration.
Hopefully if she's having a hard time with an egg, she'll be able to push it on out.
Crop not emptying, likely due to inflammation or not being able to expel an egg. Do provide her with water/electrolytes and keep her hydrated. See if the crop symptoms resolve if she expels and egg or material.
Welcome to BYC!

When was her last egg? I'm wondering if she may be egg bound...
I'd go ahead and treat for egg binding, just incase.

For her crop it sounds like sour crop, here's an article about it.->


A slow functioning crop can be a sign of other underlying issues, being egg bound can and will cause them.

Here's an article about vent gleet.->

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