Hen Laying Soft Eggs


Sep 1, 2021
I’ve tried adding oyster shells! I have one hen of four whose eggs continue to be soft on the narrow end and occasionally, the whole egg is soft. This has been an ongoing problem for months. I allow them to free range, but tried stopping to make sure the hens were eating only their calcium rich layer feed, but no change and none of the other 3, as far as I know, have laid a soft egg. I’m hoping to identify a cause and a way of treating the issue. Any suggestions welcome!
Is the layer feed the only thing chickens consume??
Not all layer feeds are created equal. Some are only 3% calcium. Then if you factor scratch treats,, (not sure you are providing those) the total calcium intake percentage does lower.
Free-range and eating greens in the lawn does supply some natural calcium into diet.
Your other 3 hens are doing fine,, and that is great. Maybe this one hen just needs an extra boost of calcium.. :idunno
Try mixing in some of the oyster shell into the feed. I know it is most common to leave free-choice. BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just maybe the extra in the feed will give that added boost.
Just a note;;. Much of the oyster shells will remain at bottom of feed dish, when the feed is consumed. Some will get consumed though. Just to give you peace of mind,,, chickens will not overdose on calcium from oyster shells. Some of the shells will get used up as grind stones , and much will just go thru the chicken out the exhaust. The chickens metabolism should use what it needs, and discard the rest. Not the same with finely ground/processed calcium added at the processing plant.
Another suggestion,, for calcium source,,, are egg shells. I feed back ALL spent egg shells back to my chickens. They do prefer that to the free-choice oyster shells. The oyster shells do go down very slowly.
I use an Alflock feed, at 2% Calcium. 18% protein. I have layers, and Geriatric non layers. Have been keeping chickens over 20+ years. All my chickens live long lives.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome

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