Hen has Bloody Neck! Did my Rooster do this?


Mar 6, 2024
North Texas
Hey chicken friends! I'm curious for y'alls opinion on this!

I walked out this afternoon to feed and collect eggs and noticed my Brown Leghorn hen with blood soaking the feathers on either side of her neck! I have no idea what could have injured her except for my rooster.

My chickens are not free range due to my urban setting, and a cursory examination of their run didn't show any signs of predator entry. The only thing I can think of is she stuck her head through something and got it stuck, or the rooster caused it. The rooster is very aggressive towards people, but I've never seen him hurt the hens before. I also havent been able to examine the area yet either, so I'm not 100% sure whats going on the surface.

Any ideas on what happened or why?

I'd gather her up and give the wounds/cuts a good cleanup, a bit of soap/water may be needed to get all the dried blood out the feathers.
Rinse/clean her wounds/abrasions with saline, Chlorhexidine or similar, then access the damage. To see if there's punctures or tears. Triple antibiotic ointment on cuts and abrasions is helpful.

As for what happened or how she was injured, perhaps she got her head stuck in some wire fencing.
While it's possible the injuries came from the rooster or another hen, the location of the wounds and how they are on both sides of the head/neck make me think she was hung up or predator tried to grab her head.
Rooster damage/attacks/picking I've personally seen are generally on the back of the head (scalping), tearing the skin at the very back of the comb and/or a lot of comb damage.

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