Hen Died

Riverbend Farms

Apr 21, 2022
My BO hen died last night. She was 4 years (and one of my OG chickens so great start to today) She was by the door of the run when I went to let my chickens out. I am looking for some ideas on why she may have died. She is buried so no necropsy or anything. She was healthy and active and eating and laying (no obstructions). And then she randomly died. I heard a rat screaming like it was getting killed last night(not by her) and maybe she got a heart attack? Or she may have had some type of failure or cancer. I don't think it is mareks as she wasn't thin and could walk. I don't believe it could it have been bird flu as waterfowl don't come to our yard. Any ideas on what it could be? I am so unhappy she died she was a great bird who could have lived for a few more years.
So sorry for your loss. :hugs

Sometimes that happens and without a necropsy, it's just guessing. As long as the rest of your flock is healthy, as it seemed she was, I would just figure it for whatever reason was her time to go, perhaps a heart attack or some other internal organ issue that didn't exhibit any symptoms for you to detect.

I hear that too often though, someone walking out in the coop and finding an adult chicken deceased for no apparent reason.

I would just keep an extra eye out on the rest of them for a while.

Again, I'm sorry.
So sorry for your horrid experience, but I totally agree with Debbie292d.
It has happened to me and left me baffled but five years of love and care, well, she’s been a Happy Hen which makes her a lucky girl in this day and age.
Big Hugz from me and my flockette,
California has one of the least expensive necropsies, and that have 4 regional locations. You can drive the bird in or ship it overnight in a small cooler. They will email you a printed prepaid shipping label. It is around $30 and they will do 2 per year. The body should be wrapped in 2 plastic garbage bags and keep chilled, not frozen. So, without a necropsy or noticing any symptoms the bird has has, it is only a guess as to what she had wrong. At 4 years, there could have been a reproductive issue, a crop problem, or organ failure. Very sorry for your loss. This is a good page to save for any future necropsy that you may want:

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