Help with worms & how to treat


Crossing the Road
5 Years
Apr 23, 2019
Good morning. I saw some worms this am & need to treat, I assume roundworms. Problem is, I won't be around at night to catch birds (my Dad recently died & I have to stay with my Mom at her house as she can't care for herself).

I have Ivermectin pour on & I have goat Safeguard. I had read earlier that @casportpony said a long time ago there was the possibility of mixing the goat wormer in with water & making a mash for them with it. Is that still a viable option? I don't mind if it takes longer to work or withdraw, it's what I have & I don't have the ability to catch each bird at night for the time being, but I can mix up water or make a mash each day.

If it's possible I'd need to know the dosage & the length of time. I have 9 birds & have estimated an average of 6lbs. & I really stink at math after that!

Can anyone help? Or does anyone have a better idea? TIA.

Roundworms, correct?
Thank you for the confirmation/information.

I did find the thread I was looking for on making it into a mash as I'm not around to direct dose.

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