Help with my cream legbar who was attacked by other chicks


Mar 10, 2022
I have 6 chicks (about 6ish weeks olds) in a separate area of our coop that just transitioned there a few days ago from their brooder. Two days ago I was checking on the chicks that I found that all the feathers on our cream legbar’s back had been pecked off and the other chicks also had pecked her tail to the point it was bleeding! I separated her immediately and treated her wounds and it’s been two days and she looks so much better. Her skin has kind of ‘scabbed’, (not sure if that’s the word) but it’s not pink or bleeding anymore. When can I put her back with the other chicks? Should I wait for her feathers to atleast start to grow back? Will they continue to peck her? I have no idea why they pecked her so badly but they haven’t done it to another chick as I’ve been inspecting them closely multiple times a day in case it happens to another chick, so I’m just at a loss for what happened.
Has this chick always been a part of the chicks?Can you separate her in part of their coop? Are you sure it was the other chicks that pecked her and not an older bird? Does she seem low in their pecking order? I have used BluKote before to disguise peck wounds, but others say it cal also increase pecking.
@BlueBaby So in that group we have 2 olive eggers, 1 copper maran, 2 cream legbars and a lavendar Wyandotte. They have quite a bit of space in our coop but they are seperated by hardware mesh from the older chicks we have. We let them out to free range once a day to introduce them to free ranging to be sure they’re not cooped up for the whole day.
The only reason they’re still separated from our older chicks (who are about 9 weeks old now) is because our cockerel attacked them (charged and clawed at them) when we tried introducing them. So they sleep together at night and can see but cannot get to eachother through the hardware mesh.
They’re fed a medicated chick feed and we occasionally give them soldier fly larvae while they’re out free ranging.
@Eggcessive yes she’s always been with this group and we’ve had zero issues since we’ve had them up to this point. When I went to check on them I actively saw both olive eggers pecking at her 😩
@BlueBaby So in that group we have 2 olive eggers, 1 copper maran, 2 cream legbars and a lavendar Wyandotte. They have quite a bit of space in our coop but they are seperated by hardware mesh from the older chicks we have. We let them out to free range once a day to introduce them to free ranging to be sure they’re not cooped up for the whole day.
The only reason they’re still separated from our older chicks (who are about 9 weeks old now) is because our cockerel attacked them (charged and clawed at them) when we tried introducing them. So they sleep together at night and can see but cannot get to eachother through the hardware mesh.
They’re fed a medicated chick feed and we occasionally give them soldier fly larvae while they’re out free ranging.
@Eggcessive yes she’s always been with this group and we’ve had zero issues since we’ve had them up to this point. When I went to check on them I actively saw both olive eggers pecking at her 😩
It look's like maybe that rooster wounded her, and that might be causing those other's now to be pecking at her.
It look's like maybe that rooster wounded her, and that might be causing those other's now to be pecking at he
I’m sorry for the confusion, she was already separated when we let them out to free range with our older chicks. Now they free range separately for the time being until we the chicks get a little bit older.
I’m sorry for the confusion, she was already separated when we let them out to free range with our older chicks. Now they free range separately for the time being until we the chicks get a little bit older.
Sorry that you are having problem's. You will have to keep the one that is being picked on separate from the bullies. If you don't, they could very well kill her. It look's like they were starting to cannabalise that one. Maybe they are needing higher protein in the diet?
Sorry that you are having problem's. You will have to keep the one that is being picked on separate from the bullies. If you don't, they could very well kill her. It look's like they were starting to cannabalise that one. Maybe they are needing higher protein in the diet?
Do you have any recommendations on how to up their protein? We started giving the chicks soldier fly larvae but is there another way? We tried giving eggshells but they didn’t like them.
So you think they will continue to peck at her? Even after she’s healed?

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