
Feb 20, 2019
Help I'm redoing a few bantam cages and I know I've had problem with mites with them in the past and underneath the cages I found these what r they? Should I be worried I'm very concerned for my little bantams
Help I'm redoing a few bantam cages and I know I've had problem with mites with them in the past and underneath the cages I found these what r they? Should I be worried I'm very concerned for my little bantams
You're going to have to try uploading your photos again.
In the meantime, any pest left untreated will pose a threat to your birds. There are several different methods and products containing permethrin that should do the trick! Depending on your temperatures right now, I would suggest using the dust vs a spray.
There no photo loaded.
Did it come up this time?
I've seen these guys(usually in dark wet places)under logs, and under buildings. I think they eat mold and wet wood. I wouldn't be surprised if they pose no threat to your hens, I've had them in my shed before and never had a problem. Usually a good cleaning of the area and making sure bedding and chicken area is dry will take care of the problem. Again, just my experience with them.
Best of luck!
I've seen these guys(usually in dark wet places)under logs, and under buildings. I think they eat mold and wet wood. I wouldn't be surprised if they pose no threat to your hens, I've had them in my shed before and never had a problem. Usually a good cleaning of the area and making sure bedding and chicken area is dry will take care of the problem. Again, just my experience with them.
Best of luck!
It sounds like you are speaking of wood lice or affectionately called "rollie pollie bugs." These are not those. Wood lice will not harm chickens.
As for what they are im not sure but i know ive seen them before

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