Help! Struggling with roost/ set up in small coop!


May 16, 2020
So I’ve been reading all the posts about bedding material, roost set up etc. but most advice that I have read is for set ups that have more “space”. Our coop is 5x3 and we have 5 chicks right now. I get that ideally more space is better, but this is what we have for now (May adapt later). But given the coop size as it is, here are my questions:
ROOST: how would you set up the roost (or roosts?) to make sure they can get to them AND they have the space they need.
BEDDING/CLEANUP: obviously not doing DLM, but also not enough space to do poop trays. I was just planning on putting down linoleum and covering with pine shavings and then cleaning it all out every couple days? Is there another option for small coops??


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Hi! I won't discuss your space issues. That size will be ok while they are small and if the only thing they do is sleep in there (that depends a lot on climate, tbh).

I would make the roost lower for young birds. For now, one in the center of the coop should work - there needs to be about 12 in between roosts and the wall so they don't get poop all over the place and/or all over each other.

You could also make a second that runs perpendicular to the first. I had to do the same for my flock of 8 that is in a temporary coop while we move to a new house. My temp coop is 4 x 7. I have one that is 4 ft long and one that is just under 4 ft that crosses over the first. I don't love it, but it works for now. You can kinda see it below (sorry for the bad pic).


I will also tell you that your roost should be flat. Chickens prefer flat so they can sit on their feet. I use a sanded 2x4 turned wide side up.

I hope that helps. And it's just my opinion, and I'm def not an expert. Whatever you do won't be permanent, so you can try something and adjust based on your observations. You'll figure out what works pretty quick, and nothing you do will permanently damage the chickens.
Get rid of the round wooden dowel and use a 2x4. Chickens walk flat footed. They are not a perching song bird. They like to park their body and sleep. The wide part of the 2x4 is 3 1/2" and they use it.
I have 10 chickens. All ten try and fit on the top roost. It is a six foot 2x4. Eight fit just fine but all ten will Bunch up on it. I have three 6 foot roost bars. Only two get used. The third one is only used to get up to the others. I have four nest boxes but only two get used.
If you live somewhere like FL or TX, LA, AL, NM, etc, and they'll be in a good sized run most of the time except night, that size might be okay. Anywhere else it will only be okay in summer, and then only if very well ventilated. It would be better for 3-4 even in the winterless world. Not trying to be negative--just realistic. If they'll have to be confined inside for weeks at a time in blizzard and sub-zero conditions, it just won't work at all. They'll (literally) kill each other.

You may have read they need 12" of linear 2x4 per bird. This is in error. They will park themselves as close to one another as is physically possible. One roost will be plenty. They do need room to get themselves up there and down, though. Think flight/hopping path.

By the way, your little boy in the first pic is just adorable. :love
@Aunt Angus, @CindyinSD, @David61 - thank you for the advice. I will say we’re not expanding the coop just yet because there a good chance on or more of the chicks will be Roos and we can’t keep those here, so we’re just waiting and temporarily assuming we’ll have 3-4 hens. We live in the PNW, so generally mild winters around here and they will have a large run😊 + free range when we are around. Thanks for sharing a picture of your set up! I never though to have the roost bars lower to the ground, but that seems to make more sense!
I can also get 2x4s - easy switch . I’ve seen a lot of people around here with the round dowel perches so I thought that’s what was better... but maybe that’s related to climate? Or just bird preference? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I think it's more human esthetic preference. The chickens roost on pretty much anything. 2x4s are a lot easier to put up for them, though. They can also help prevent frostbite b/c the birds sit on their feet--not a problem for you unless the coop lacks sufficient ventilation--which doesn't look like a problem.

If you're thinking the hatchery (if that's how you're getting them) may make a mistake sexing and send a cockerel or two--they probably won't. Also I've never gotten an order from a hatchery that didn't include a few extras--but maybe with small orders they don't do that. It's a bit of a conundrum if you've ordered the max you can house, but just so you know--it is a thing. You can probably sell extras... chickens are pretty popular at present.
I think it's more human esthetic preference. The chickens roost on pretty much anything. 2x4s are a lot easier to put up for them, though. They can also help prevent frostbite b/c the birds sit on their feet--not a problem for you unless the coop lacks sufficient ventilation--which doesn't look like a problem.

If you're thinking the hatchery (if that's how you're getting them) may make a mistake sexing and send a cockerel or two--they probably won't. Also I've never gotten an order from a hatchery that didn't include a few extras--but maybe with small orders they don't do that. It's a bit of a conundrum if you've ordered the max you can house, but just so you know--it is a thing. You can probably sell extras... chickens are pretty popular at present.
We already have our chicks 😊 5 total and from different places (local feed store, farmer, and one that was an “extra” from someone’s hatchery order lol) . So we’ll see if we end up with any roos. Our boys would be devastated, but know it’s a possibility still lol


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I'm not an expert at sexing, but if you post pics on the breed/gender topic, folks might be able to give you some early guesses, if you'd like to know. They're pretty cute little critters! 🥰
I'll address clean up first: for a small coop, yes doing a thick layer of bedding and cleaning it out regularly is probably the best way to manage it, as you don't have space for a poop board set up, nor really enough air volume to just let the poop build up in the bedding for an extended period of time without having ammonia build up too.

So the roost... is the 5x3 including the nest box or is that just the interior space?

If interior is 5' long, then a single roost bar will do fine for 5.

If interior is 4' or so (and 1' is the nest box) then you may need 2 bars, but might want to start off with just 1 and see how they do.

Keep roost higher than nest boxes to encourage them to use it.

I can also get 2x4s - easy switch . I’ve seen a lot of people around here with the round dowel perches so I thought that’s what was better... but maybe that’s related to climate? Or just bird preference? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Chickens do not care if the roost is flat or round - they value location of roost and material (wood being the standard) over the shape of roost bar. So use whatever you see fit. I just wouldn't use anything smaller than 2" wide or 2" diameter for standard birds, as that starts getting a little too narrow.

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