HELP!!! Small air cell day 18


7 Years
May 31, 2012
Sullivan Missouri
I have a still air incubator. Chicks are alive and moving but my air cell is the size of day 7! My humidity has been running in the low to mid 30%'s. How can I increase it this close to hatching/?? HELP. Can they hatch with such a small air cell?
I have a still air incubator. Chicks are alive and moving but my air cell is the size of day 7! My humidity has been running in the low to mid 30%'s. How can I increase it this close to hatching/?? HELP. Can they hatch with such a small air cell?
Just a question... does you incubator recommend humidity at that level?
If you have been running humidity lower like that there shouldn't be a problem. Not sure, any chance you can get a picture?
Incubator never gave a number level for humidity. It said fill one area for day 1-18, and fill other 2 areas for hatching.
Hmmm... it seems really low. I run mine at 57-60% up to day 20 and 65% for hatching day. I have heard people do it in mid high 40's but never lower than that... that;s a great question for your manufactirer.

At this point I'd try in getting the humidity at the appropriate level for your particular incubator.
Hmmm... it seems really low. I run mine at 57-60% up to day 20 and 65% for hatching day. I have heard people do it in mid high 40's but never lower than that... that;s a great question for your manufactirer.

At this point I'd try in getting the humidity at the appropriate level for your particular incubator.
I can get my humidity number up, my concern is the air cell
I can get my humidity number up, my concern is the air cell
Understood, but I don't think there's much you can do about it at this point... Hope things end up allright... please keep us posted.
Jnjmanning what was the result? I think my air cells are looking a little small, day 18 tomorrow :-S

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