Help Sick Chicken


Nov 18, 2018

I was wondering if anyone had an idea what is wrong with my bantam. She’s probably only eight months old.

she started doing this a couple of weeks ago but only did it in the morning for a bit and then was back to normal after an hour or so. Today she got worse and actually fell over a couple of times.
Initially I thought that it was egg binding but I checked her out at the time and it didn’t seem to be that. I have had red mites recently despite only just creosoting the house but I’ve pretty much eliminated these.

She’s not doing it so much in the video but she basically walks sideways almost a bit drunk and she turns her head to the right. It’s v odd and she’s quite wobbly. I have been supplementing them all with stuff added to their water but I don’t know what to do. The chicken vet around here is useless and will just put her to sleep so I’m tryinto sort it myself.

I have posted a vid, hopefully it’ll give you some idea.

Thanks for any help.
Cute bantam!
Sorry, it looks a bit like wry neck to me.
Good news is, wry neck is curable!
Bad news is, I've never been able to cure a chicken because i don't know how.
Hope your hen makes it!
Thanks for replying, yes I wondered that too or whether it could be the start of Mareks. I’ve ordered some Vit E and Selenium so will see if that helps. I’d rather it was that than something else lol!!
Assuming that doesn’t work has anyone got any other ideas what it could be?

I have 3 chickens (2 hens & 1 Roo) that are each completely blind in one eye. They hold themselves off kilter and sort of circle things. I also have one that is just slightly vision impaired. They are al completley healthy and happy besides the blindness. I have another that is not nnot quite as impaired...but she still acts dizzy sometimes...espacially after dust bathing. She is currently co-mothering 13 hatchery chicks and doing a perfect job!
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