Help rooster attack on new chick!!

Leg is seriously damaged, either broken or dislocated.
Not sure anything can be done short of intensive(expensive) avian vet treatment,
and maybe not even then.
Sorry, but I would euthanize.
The baby chick doesn’t deserve to die:( if it’s reasonable I wouldn’t mind going to the vet, but I’m willing to try any home treatment. I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time trying to straighten his legs
The baby chick doesn’t deserve to die:( if it’s reasonable I wouldn’t mind going to the vet, but I’m willing to try any home treatment. I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time trying to straighten his legs
It's one of the hardest thing about keeping chickens, sometimes they die,
and sometimes the keeper has to be the one who decides and does the deed.

How much will an ER visit be? There are a few avian vets in my area
Call them and find out.
But it could be hundreds of dollars.
More than likely, yes.
When my chicks were fairly young around a week old, I was bring them outside and I had got 2 in the grass before my buff rooster ran over and picked my Rhode Island chick by the leg with its beak and mangled the leg. It had looked like straddle leg symptoms, one leg was sideways with curled toes and the chick would just hop around dragging the injured leg.

So after a few days I moved the baby in the house and started straddle leg treatment (bandaids, vet tape, pipe cleaner, standing in the cup) anything I could do..The chick is now 1 month old and no has made no progress. I’m just so heartbroken to see it suffer because of me🥺 the baby is eating and drinking okay but is looking weak and staying other chicks are 3x the size and already out of the brooder. I don’t know if being by itself all day is causing this, I just want my chick to not suffer anymore🥺

I will attach a picture. I don’t think it was straddle leg in the first place. It seems like there’s 2 joins in the leg or it’s out of place I don’t know this is my 2nd flock of baby chicks so I’m learning along the way.. Please any advice would be appreciated! I hope I can still treat this in time so this will not be a lifelong problem:( so the attack was about 1week old and the chick is 4weeks now.
I am not a pro at this but I think that the little guy needs to se an aviary veterinarian as many has mentioned. As to deal with the aggressor, funny, I saw this the other day and he explains it really good. Hope it helps. Maybe he needs to be confined for a few days too before he hurts another chicken. When aart comes and replies, he is very knowledgeable about chickens.
This is the reality of this situation. The injury or disability is too old now to fix. It's set. Even an avian vet wouldn't be able to do much to fix the leg so the chick can grow up to be normal. You would be spending a lot of money for not much return on the investment.

The choices are #1 do nothing and hope the chick will adjust well enough to the deformity and disability to survive. But understand it will always be disadvantaged and will be much more vulnerable to a predator attack. Even its small size will make it less able to survive.

#2 Euthanize the chick and spare it further suffering and an uncertain future.

When assessing when to end a chicken life, I look at it this way - you are not depriving the chick of life. You are removing the chick from a life of suffering.
#2 Euthanize the chick and spare it further suffering and an uncertain future.

When assessing when to end a chicken life, I look at it this way - you are not depriving the chick of life. You are removing the chick from a life of suffering.
As hard as it may be sometimes it's best to put them out of misery. Imagine how painful it must be. Even getting it fixed it could still be fatal and they will most likely have leg pain further on
Sorry, but I would euthanize.
x2, I'm really sorry about your chick. If it was me I would put it down. It's a major part of chicken keeping, you have to be able to euthanize a suffering bird. This bird will never be able to live a full, happy life like a normal chicken, and that alone convinces me that you should end its suffering. Also, if your rooster ever charges or chases a chick again, I would invite him to the crock pot. I would have eaten him right when that happened, but maybe it's just me. I would never tolerate that behavior from my rooster.

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