Help.. quail


Mar 29, 2020
I ended up with three hens and two Roos but neither roo is mating with the hens.... all the eggs are infertile so I removed both males and put in separate cage one of the Roos seems interested in the hens in nearby cage how long should I keep separated?
Coturnix quail? How old are they? Pretty sure you'll never get fertile eggs you moved the roos to a different cage..... not sure why you separated. If coturnix quail you should keep them in 1:4 male to female ratio + or - 1 female. 2 roos and 3 hens will not work out well for any of the quail, females will get overbred once the males start breeding and the males will likely fight.
They are a year old I removed the Roos to see if one would show interest in the females since they weren’t when together.... since taking them out there is one that is crowing and showing interest so he is one I plan to put back in with the females in hopes he will fertilize the eggs.... the other will be culled.... my question was what would be the reason a roo wouldn’t mate with the females

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