HELP! Prolapsed naval/unabsorbed yolk in gosling

Oct 15, 2020
South Carolina
I hatched this baby last night at 3am (12 hours ago). I noticed as soon as he hatched there was an issue and after doing research I decided to place him in a cup to keep him from flopping around and injuring his naval any further. He’s been in moist paper towels in a cup in the incubator for 12 hours now and I think it’s gotten a little better. It seems to bulge some when he’s stressed. But how long should I keep him like this? Will it get better? If it doesn’t should I cull him? He’s very active and vocal, no signs of distress other than when I put him back in the cup. I have a video but I’m not sure how to upload it, it’s about the size of an peanut/almond.
I currently have a gosling that looks similar to this. Did he get better? If so what did you do?

It should be fine if you keep it clean.

Hi, can you post a few pics? Is your gosling's eyes open and is he moving? If the eyes are open they have a good chance, if not they are usually just too weak to make it. Did you assist the hatch or did he hatch this way on his own?
Make sure it's on paper towels or something soft so he can't rip his navel open further.
The OP hasn't been on since last summer so you probably won't get a reply from them unfortunately.

I have a video but I’m not sure how to upload it.

We need to see pictures. Can you post some pictures?
I added the video to my gallery. It’s not great quality, the gosling did not want to be held and it’s under the red light. But it looks similar but smaller than the photos in the other thread. This is after keeping him in the cup for 12 hours. In the last second of the video he strains and it bulges some.
I think it looks okay. Can you do another video without the red light?
I’m thinking I leave him in the cup until 3 am, giving him another 12 hours to sit. Then moving him to a separate brooder. I’ve read some people put iodine on it, or neosporin. I’ve been keeping it moist but should I leave it uncovered when moved to the brooder? Should medication be applied? Should I apply pressure? Does he need electrolytes or supplements? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I am doing what’s in his best interest. And thank you for your time :)

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