Help!! Predator got one of my pullets!

Jul 17, 2019
Holland, MI
Hello all. Long time no post here. Just lost my first pullet in a while to what clearly was a predator. Body is completely gone, no blood, only scattered and clearly torn out feathers left in her place.

According to my dad he heard squawking last night, but he only told me this afternoon-ish and I didn’t really think anything of it, as these guys are awfully close to laying, until I saw the feathers...

There are no feathers in the coop or run belonging to her at all, just the outside. Which confuses me? You would think the predator would go into the coop or run, but I just don’t see anything. This pullet was one who could fly out if she wanted to, so it makes me wonder if she was out last night. The rest of the chickens seem just fine.

I need advice for what to do next. I want to protect the rest of my flock from harm, but have never had to deal with this before.

Thanks for any replies in advance.




I'd start locking them in the coop at night, put a top on the pen, add hardware cloth to the pen sides and consider adding hotwire. Good luck. The predator will return now that it has found a food source.

I’ll definitely start locking them up at night. But I will have to talk about the rest with my dad. Thank you for the fast reply.
Turns out the predator can come during the day too 😭 took one of my Buff Orpington babies in the middle of the day.
The chicken clearly fought back this time based on the feathers scattered all over.

Thinking it’s a hawk, as neither raccoon nor opossum would just kill one and go off with it. My poor cockerel is so traumatized cos he can’t do anything.. :(
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Depending on the size of the chickens, hawks would have a hard time carrying a large chicken away.

They aren’t full grown yet! They’re like 4 months old at this point? So I find it a possibility just knowing the predators in my area.

We gots all sorts of hawks here (for example we have Cooper’s, Red-Shouldered and Red-Tailed hawks)

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