Help! Possible Egg Bound or Vent Gleet in white plymoth rock!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
sandy oregon
Im trying to help my friends chicken. So far she has been with me for a few hours. She has tons of feathers missing, super red vent area and below (it is also bulging) her owner said she had white oozy stuff out her vent. I havnt seen the ooze but she does have poo stuck to her. Abdomen is kind of hard but not super squishy. Suggestions for help with this one? All the natural remedies the vet shrugged off. Im soaking her now in lavender and a couple drops of meleluca. Classic signs of blockage or what can I do more to help her? Vet said no oily stuff or fungal creams and no ACV.
It definatley sounds like Vent Gleet. I have read a ton of articles but all the suggestions the vet said no to. So hoping someone has been through it or can help me what to do.
Suggestions to help her? Giving her plain yogurt, ACV in water and warm lavender bath 1x a day. She hasn't laid since Monday. Would you suggest a fungal cream?
I would try an antifungal. I have had success using miconazole the same used for women's yeast infections. Wearing a glove I insert it inside the vent and rub some externally to the vent. The amount I use is 1/2 ml as measured by a syringe marked with the measurement and pull it out of the tube using the syringe. A very bad case I give it morning and evening when they go up to roost. 5 days of that and greet is gone. I also put ACV in water and trim away all the feathers that have the disgusting drainage to prevent getting fly strike.

Check her internally with finger exam to make sure not egg bound. Some can get a prolapse as area is irritated and they try to expel the irritation. Treat as a prolapse and try to get it back inside keep moist.

Hope she recovers soon.
So Lola went home with her owner. I did check for Egg bound and it def wasn't that. When the owner picked Lola up she said her but had been red like since she got her which was about 3-4 months ago. When she called me that was the first she had seen ooze. When I got her, her butt looked like the posted pic. I fed her fresh water with ACV and a treat of ypgurt and applesauce daily. I also gave her soaks for 3 days in lavender and meleluca. Most of the redness and swelling went down. I cut away all the nasty feathers too. She still has red spots but the vent area looks pretty clean. The owner is spraying tenactin on her and doing the fresh water with ACV. She still hasn't laid in over a week. Does anyone know when that returns?
After one of my hens recovered from vent greet she took a month after being put back with the flock to lay again. She lays a pink tinged egg so know it is her. Others started a week or so later after it was cleared up. One never stopped laying even when placed in the dark. Her hinney was so red she looked pitiful.

It depends on the hen when she returns to laying. If there was anything additional internally damaged from the gleet. I had one I lost that became an internal egg layer possibly from a severe case of gleet.

Hope she returns to normal soon.

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