Help please!


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2024
Hi guys! One of my chickens has been laying down all day which is very atypical of my hens so I went to check her out. When I looked at her leg I noticed one was darker than the other. I noticed she’s not putting any weight on it and now I’m very worried. I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find anything that even looks related to what she has. She’s eating and drinking fine so that good news! If anyone knows how to help please let me know! Below I attached some pictures.


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What do the footpads look like? It is hard to tell if one foot or leg is more swollen because of the picture angle, but she might have sprained or fractured her foot or lower leg. The leg foot seems darker and swollen. Seeing the feet side by side would be a better picture if possible. If a vet is possible, I would try to get an X-ray. If not, I would limit her activity inside a wire dog crate (with food and water) inside the coop or run for a week or so, then reevaluate how she is doing. Don’t let her jump up or down on a roost. Splinting is possible if it is fractured, but can sometimes cause more problems if the tape slips and cuts off circulation. If you do that be sure to check color and circulation often.
What do the footpads look like? It is hard to tell if one foot or leg is more swollen because of the picture angle, but she might have sprained or fractured her foot or lower leg. The leg foot seems darker and swollen. Seeing the feet side by side would be a better picture if possible. If a vet is possible, I would try to get an X-ray. If not, I would limit her activity inside a wire dog crate (with food and water) inside the coop or run for a week or so, then reevaluate how she is doing. Don’t let her jump up or down on a roost. Splinting is possible if it is fractured, but can sometimes cause more problems if the tape slips and cuts off circulation. If you do that be sure to check color and circulation often.
I attached more pics side by side. Her foot doesn’t look swollen and her foot pad is completely normal no scratches or wounds :/


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That is strange isn’t it? Which leg is hurting and which leg has the normal color? Chicken bruising can appear green or darker.
That is strange isn’t it? Which leg is hurting and which leg has the normal color? Chicken bruising can appear green or darker.
When looking at the picture the one on the left is the painful one and the lighter colored one is the regular one.
Just to make sure, I would feel and look over the leg above the dark area for any hair or string that might be wrapped around it. That should also cause swelling though, so there probably isn’t. Bruising from injury might be the answer, since she is limping. Let us know if you notice any improvement or changes. Also, in one picture (3) her leg looks turned in. Watch to see if it looks that way at other times, in case there is a tendon injury at the hock.,

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