Help please! One day old chick with fused toes


Apr 14, 2024
Hi everyone. looking for advice. I have an almost one day old chick with its middle and outside toes fused together. The left one looks like more of a webbed to but the right looks like the toes almost come together. It is lively, eating, drinking and getting around ok, just a touch clumsy compared to the others. It is a tad on the small side as well. Is there anything I can do or is leaving them how they are the way to go? I added photos of each foot.


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Welcome to BYC. I've never had this problem, so I can't be of help. Someone will come along with advice. Did you hatch them yourself? (I'm wondering if the incubator was somehow responsible for the developmental issue.)
Yes, they were hatched in a small incubator. I wondered this, but all other hatchlings are very healthy and have no issues under the same conditions. This one did struggle much more to get out of the shell.
There most likely won’t be an issue. Just keep a slightly closer eye on it as the webbing between the toes is going to be much more susceptible to injuries such as sticks or other things piercing and cutting it.
Thank you for this! Just want to make sure there is no pain or discomfort. The right middle toe curls out quite a bit!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Most birds learn over time to deal with mobility issues, if she is getting around fair enough, I would leave it be. Only if she is struggling would I might consider cutting it apart and I'd do it while she is a baby. The older she gets, the more of a procedure this will be.

Best is luck with her!

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