Help! Our missing hen has returned and she's not alone!

I got some pallets and a heavy tarp. Built a shelter out of the pallets held together with stainless steel zip ties and covered it with the tarp. Fenced off a section of the outdoor run and my chicks are still in there. Should come out sometime this week or so. Inexpensive (pallets were free...tarp was $35). It has weathered several storms. When they are integrated with the flock, tin snips will make short work of the zip ties and I get my pallets back.
After the amount of time gone, would she not need re-integration?
We suspect she was never "gone". We have two of her breed, and we think she was coming back during the day to eat and drink, but then sneaking back out to sit on nest at night, thus missing the nightly "roll call" (head count). Since we have two of them, it would've been easy to see her during the day and think we were seeing the other one.
UPDATE: They are all co-existing with little to no problems. One of the older hens seems to get a little irritated when the chicks are around her feet and she will "nip" at them, but never makes contact.
chicks 7-10-2021.jpg
If you hadn't labeled her I would not have picked her out as the broody they way the chicks are mixed with the other hens. Most of my broody hens tend to keep more distance between the chicks and the rest of the flock but every now and then I get a broody where a scene like yours is common. Each time is different.
Maybe you could put a plastic tote upside down and cut out a hole just small enough for the chicks. That way they have a place to escape just in case another chicken gives them a hard time. Otherwise they're still with the flock.

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