HELP my incubator got to 110° do they still have a chance?


In the Brooder
Jan 17, 2023
Help my incubator got to 110°F it got to that in 30 mins before I found out. So it wasn’t on that the whole time but I’m really scared I killed them. They were my first time incubating coturnix quail and I have had trouble the whole time. I couldn’t candle until day 8 or 9 for some of em and others I still can’t see through. Since I haven’t been able to candle well with these I can’t see for movement before. But on a cold day and day 14 for them I put them in a new incubator that didn’t have rollers for day 15-hatch out so I could put my other eggs that came in too early in my incubator with rollers. But once I got it up to heat it was fine then the temp dipped so I turned up the heat and 20-30 mins later I saw that it was almost 110°. But since day 15 I’ve been so scared I killed them. It is nearing the end of day 19 for me and it is giving me horrible anxiety that they won’t make it. But in the beginning I had a ton of trouble regulating heat in the first incubator till I got a new hygrometer and thermometer then I was able to see the heat better since I found out the temp on the incubator was wrong. It was lower than it needed to be but I got it fixed on day 5 or six. But the ones I culled on day 14 gave up or were not fertile but there was growth. I haven’t seen any moving or heard any peeping or pips at anytime during the incubation till now.
I’m just so scared I killed them do they still have a chance or should I just give up hope on them.
They may be okay. If it was just a short time, the interior of the egg wouldn't have heated up to 104, which is when they start to die. They should be hatching any time now so you should know soon. But if it was brief, they may be okay.
They may be okay. If it was just a short time, the interior of the egg wouldn't have heated up to 104, which is when they start to die. They should be hatching any time now so you should know soon. But if it was brief, they may be okay.
I hope they hatch so bad this is my first time with this breed of quail so I’m just scared they are different than the ones I’m used to hatching. I’m just so scared because I haven’t been able to see monitor them like I’m used to and usually my eggs hatch around day 17-19 and I’ve seen nothing so far.
If it was 110°F for an hour or more, then I'd be worried! Just a brief 30 minutes is not going to affect them, as it takes a while for the internal temperature of the egg to also takes a while for the internal temperature to lower. Most likely they are just fine.
If it was 110°F for an hour or more, then I'd be worried! Just a brief 30 minutes is not going to affect them, as it takes a while for the internal temperature of the egg to also takes a while for the internal temperature to lower. Most likely they are just fine.
When it happened I thought I cooked em and cried so hard cus I thought I killed them all. And this has been the most stressful clutch I’ve ever had. Cause I’ve had to just do everything blindly without being able to see anything happen inside.
When it happened I thought I cooked em and cried so hard cus I thought I killed them all. And this has been the most stressful clutch I’ve ever had. Cause I’ve had to just do everything blindly without being able to see anything happen inside.
I set my bators up for a week before I incubate any eggs. Gives the bator time to stabilize and the temperature shouldn't fluctuate much or at all. A super Brite flash light will penetrate even the darkest of egg shells....the higher the lumens the better.
I set my bators up for a week before I incubate any eggs. Gives the bator time to stabilize and the temperature shouldn't fluctuate much or at all. A super Brite flash light will penetrate even the darkest of egg shells....the higher the lumens the better.
I bought a candling light and a flashlight but still could barely see. I was almost at the point of getting a mag light while I was at the store.😂
It’s day 20 and I still haven’t seen anything. I was planning on keeping them in til the end of day 21
Hatching will be different every time. If you eggs hatch too early they could end up with leg problems. Anyhow I would not do anything until late day 21. Then maybe an air hole in the aircell-fat end.

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