ducks are frozen in the middle of the pond under the dock!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
Upstate NY
The ducks are able to swim around under the floating dock but can not get out from under it. I dont know what to do, we have been trying to break the ice and lure them out but can not get all the way to them. What do I do. PLEASE help!
Are they unable to get out because there is a physical barrier? or because they can't get up onto the ice? or some other reason? is there a gap that they could get through if they wanted to?

If there is a gap they could get through to get out then luring with treats or else scaring them out from the opposite side (with brooms, rakes, noise or something) are the only options I can think of. I guess it is getting dark where you are and you are keep to put them in their pen - is that right?
I've never been in this situation and you have my sympathy for how scary it must be. The best idea I can think of is to throw some sort of floating balls under there if you have any. They will help keep what you've broken from refreezing. They may also help scare the ducks out in the process of tossing them under there. I hope someone has better suggestions to add.
What we think has happened is that the ice froze on the whole pond (like a 1/2 inch! Unreal) and the ducks are impossible to get in anymore and have taken to the center of the pond under the floating dock(which is tethered to the bpottom of the pond via cinder blocks and rope, it is kept above water with giant 50 gallon barrels under the structure leaving about a foot of space from water to underside of dock) at night for thier safe spot. Well they must have continued to swim underneathe it over night and have a little circle of water they are swimming in but can not get up onto the ice and even when we have broken the ice out to them, they will not come out. I just dont want them to die and I realloy think they will overnight if we cant get them. I dont know what to do and I am in tears and it is dark and freezing and the darn ducks just wont come out!!!!
Can you get out to the floating dock? Can you throw some sand onto the ice round the edge of their swimming hole so they can get a grip on the ice?

What are the temparatures meant to be like tonight? Is it likely that the hole will freeze over or not very likely?
Is there any way you can go out on the boat and warm up the ice around the floating dock to create a path for them to get out? Be careful with that, though. Bring treats so that they won't be too scared to come out.

Also, can the floating dock be pulled out without hurting the ducks or causing the ice to hit the ducks?
Heres what I would do: If you had a boat I would break the ice in a path leading to the dock, and then paddle along in the boat to the dock. If posible break the ice around them, without hurting anyone, and see if you can get them to come out. the problem with this is A.) I dunno if you have a boat, B.) not sure how far it is to dock, C.) it's dark out and the ducks are probably scared out of their minds right now. I really hope you can get your ducks to safety!!!
Good luck!
can you drop some large rocks or cinder blocks off the dock to break up more of the ice? Im having a hard time visualizing...can you post a picture?
no boat, otherwise I would have so done is now top of the list for things to buy...We have thrown large rocks and have broken as much as we can... We are about to add another ladder to our extention ladder in an attempt to make a "bridge" out to the center dock, as the extention ladder is about 6 feet too short to make it. It s supposed to get into the low teens tonight, so freeze over is likely and they have not eaten all day...they usually come up and eat 3 times throughout the day and Henry lays her egg in the morning in the duck house...but alas...not today...I am so worried...We are heading out with refreshed minds and high hopes that we can reach the dock...cross fingers. Ducks can be so darn frustrating sometimes! Ugghhhh.
Please forgive the picture...I looked through all of what I have and this is the only one that shows the distance and placement of the dock in the middle that the ducks are underneath...We are jumping backwards off of the shore dock...the middle floating dock is about 30 feet off shore...all the way around...or more...

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