Help me ID Ideals free packing peanuts.


5 Years
Sep 14, 2014
I got 11 extra birds with my small order of straight run Barred Rocks from Ideal. I like Ideal. Any help identifying these birds would be appreciated.

The red birds are likely Production Reds (hatchery quality Rhode Island Reds). They could also be Red Sex-Links.

I'm not completely sure what the other birds are.
7 of the 11 extra males were yellow like the first photo. I'm guessing the blackish gray and white birds might be male Barred Rocks. I was hoping that the yellow ones were buff somethings but they're beginning to show some darker colors in their wings.
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Thanks, All the black ones all have a white spot on the top of their head. The yellow ones are starting to remind me of the "Cherry Eggers" (RIR strain) that I got from Cackle Hatchery. I may try to sell the extra cockerels as their gender becomes more apparent. Are the male barred rocks lighter colored than the females?
Yes the barred rock cockerels are more of a light grey color and the pullets are a darker color closer to black.
The red chicks are probably Production Reds or possibly female Red Sex-links. The black/white chicks are most likely Barred Rocks.
Don't hold your breath for any of those extras to be pullets. It can happen, but its not the norm. The last time I ordered from Ideal, I got somewhere around 15 packing peanuts with my order. Every single one of them ended up being a production Red cockerel. We process our extra boys, so I still considered it a win though!

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