Help! Maggots In My Chick Room!!!


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2020
I have a room with concrete floors and wooded walls and a door. It is out in a covered indoor shop. I had deep cleaned the shop for preparing my breeding season ( hatching chicks and raising them) I keep the place very clean and tidy. Yesterday I went in the room and I noticed maggots underneath the gate I use to open the pens. I promptly removed everything from the room (brooders, pens, littler, EVERYTHING, I totally stripped the room out) I then sprayed fly and maggot spray everywhere and they all died. I then removed them all from the room and disinfected all the gates, supplies and everything I had taken from the room.
This morning I went out to check chicks and the room and everything was good and maggot free... I walk in the room after lunch today and MAGGOTS EVERYWHERE but, dead from the spray on the floor... I don't know where they came from or how they are getting in. I sprayed the whole room down again but, if anyone can help me please do!!!! I hateeee maggots and need them gone ASAP.

Thank you!!!
Not really, the occasional fly here and there but, it's rare. That's why I'm so confused.

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