Help! Losing the ability to walk every 11 days


Free Ranging
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California
First post here

Last post here’s-your-expierience.1462064/

To sum it up short:

My gander becomes progressively lame.

First time he he went lame in 2 weeks.

4 weeks later he regained his ability to stand/walk a week after finishing 2 weeks of antibiotics.

11 days later began regressing, unable to walk/stand 2 weeks after regaining is ability to stand/walk.

3 weeks later and 1 week after finishing another round of antibiotics he stood up and regained ability to walk.

11 days after regaining ability to walk again he appears to be regressing, last antibiotics were 2 1/2 weeks ago.

Has anyone seen a pattern like this before? Whatever the bird, chicken, Turkey, Duck, whatever?
Not sure. Maybe read through this thread and see if the symptoms and response to treatment sounds similar to what you are experiencing:

You might also contact an avian vet to see what they think about the symptoms and treatment pattern you are seeing.
He was initially going to a vet, but I can no longer afford to take him, I’ve been following that thread for two months and learned alot but I’ve looked into it and geese do not get lymphoid luekosis and it’s extremly rare for waterfowl to get Mereks and it’s suspected it isn’t actually possible.

I’m really greatful for your comments anyway, anything can help and I’ll review the thread again incase I missed something.
Ah, wish I knew more about waterfowl and could help out. Hopefully someone a bit more knowledgeable will poke their head in. If I knew someone who had expertise that I could tag in here, I would.
Ah, wish I knew more about waterfowl and could help out. Hopefully someone a bit more knowledgeable will poke their head in. If I knew someone who had expertise that I could tag in here, I would.
I wish I knew more about waterfowl too! Same with my vet. There isn’t a lot of information I’ve found on them and I’ve found things that are contradictory which doesn’t help, it’s like that with “poultry” in general though, most vets don’t see the point in treating them or research, and the ones that will don’t have a lot of information to go on. It’s part of the reason why I decided to continue to treat him “other than that he’s a sweetie” rather than send him to UCDavis for necropsy, because if I can at least try to treat him and share my experience it might help someone else and expand on what we know about them.

I’ve noticed yesterday that his right hock feels hot to the touch and he favors it a bit, im really hoping at the moment that he actually just sprained it this time and he’ll be fine, I’d rather think I’m overreacting over nothing and that it’s just a weird coincidence that it happened at exactly 11 days after recovery again, bacterial infections can make the joints warm or swell, but I don’t know why it’s survived all the antibiotics, unless it’s mycoplasma or some sort of mycobacterium....or Mereks jumped species.

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