HELP! Inner membrane bloody!


7 Years
Jul 10, 2013
Sheffield UK
This is my first time at hatching eggs in my incubator, so I'm not a pro just yet, and my eggs have been inside the incubator for 24 DAYS! So over the due dates! Any today I noticed wobbling around! I looked at one of the eggs and noticed a little crack! I could hear cheaping so I pealed the cracked egg shell to find that the chick had not broke through the VERY white outer membrane! I researched and found that I needed to pierce it ASAP to enable it to breathe! So I did, 1 hour later still no start of a zip, just cheaping that started to get quieter , so I peeled some of the shell and outer membrane, about 2 cm! Like a start of the zip! I could slightly see into the egg, I found that the inner membrane was still very veiny! Is this bad? The poor thing is trying to push himself out! And I don't know
If it'll harm him with it still being veiny, also he isn't trying to zip!:/ hat should I do? It's been 2 hours now, might not seem long but I'm worrying! What would you do? Also I know I shouldn't of started helping but I had to, I suppose you learn from mistakes! Any advise please would help a lot!!! Here is a picture, don't know if you can see much
i am on my 1st hatch also.i have done hours and hours of reading and asking questions. now maybe wait for some one who knows more tham me. i have read at 25 days try to help.i have read if the chick isnt strong enough to get out themselves they usually dont make it. but also read some do. i know kinda useless info. i have an egg now at 21 days with the shell cracked around but the skin isnt broke inside. so i am with you guessing now. i posted it earlier but no respond yet. if it were me i would break the skin for air and hope she gets out. too paranoid to open the shell and break the cord to the chick.good luck let me know how it goes.
Thank you, I'm just scared tbh, it looks really veiny and I don't know if it is
Bad if it is? Well I've hatched 1 egg before under a heat lamp, his mum
Abandoned him so he was only under heat lamp for 2 days! And both his membranes was veiny and if I peeled it bled, and I helped him out, now he's healthy! I just daren't do that with this one! I need advise quick!
I can still see some vessels in the membrane, which means the chick is not quite ready to hatch yet. Keep it in the incubator with the humidity high (65%+), so the membrane doesn't dry out and wait a few more hours. If the chick does not make any progress (after a few hours) and/or is showing signs of getting weaker, continue removing the shell in a line round the egg, dampen the membrane with a wet Q-tip and check for active blood vessels. If the membrane is clear and the vessels have receded, remove a bit more of the shell, going down towards the chick's belly and make sure there are no visible vessels there and that the yolk sac absorption is complete. Once that is done the chick can complete the hatch. Remove the top half of the shell and enough of the inner membrane to allow the chick to wiggle out of the egg and complete the hatch by itself. Good luck!
I can still see some vessels in the membrane, which means the chick is not quite ready to hatch yet. Keep it in the incubator with the humidity high (65%+), so the membrane doesn't dry out and wait a few more hours. If the chick does not make any progress (after a few hours) and/or is showing signs of getting weaker, continue removing the shell in a line round the egg, dampen the membrane with a wet Q-tip and check for active blood vessels. If the membrane is clear and the vessels have receded, remove a bit more of the shell, going down towards the chick's belly and make sure there are no visible vessels there and that the yolk sac absorption is complete. Once that is done the chick can complete the hatch. Remove the top half of the shell and enough of the inner membrane to allow the chick to wiggle out of the egg and complete the hatch by itself. Good luck!

Thank you, the humidity is now at 80%? Is that to high?! The chick isn't cheaping as much and its only been 3 hours!!:/ the inner membrane is slightly going more pale? Also why was the outer membrane as white as it was if chick was not ready?
Also in a couple hours, when removing some of the shell do I remor some outer membrane too and jut leave inner or just crack shell away?
The white colour of the outer membrane is normal. You can remove that as well when you chip away the shell, but do not tear or remove any of the inner membrane until the chick is ready to hatch. There are a lot of blood vessels in the inner membrane and if you damage the wrong one the chick can lose a lot of blood. It can take up to 24 hours for a chick to finish absorbing the yolk and for the blood vessels to recede, though most complete the process in around 8-12 hours, some sooner. Don't worry if the chick is quiet. They normally rest after pipping externally (through the shell) and may even sleep while they are waiting out the absorption process. Once it feels it's ready to hatch it will get more restless and vocal.
Thank you:) that's calmed me down abit now haha, it started hatching around 6pm, it's now 11pm, the blood vessels seem to be fading? I'm going to keep checking in him/her and damping membrane so she/he doesn't dry out! The chick is less vocal now but think its sleeping:) thank you so much, ill keep you updated, I might need more of your help seems though its my first! :)
I just wet the membrane to see how the blood vessels are... They still don't look like they've changed much on picture, but in person some veins are no longer visible, thought I'd let you know:)

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