Help identifying color of silkie

May 11, 2023
I hatched her September of last year from some eggs I had gotten on eBay. From what I remember their breeding pen was all showgirl silkies but various colors of them.

I’m not sure what this pattern would be considered if anything? She’s mainly a solid creamy white color but has the buff lacing just on her wings and back, her tail legs chest crest and neck puff are all mainly solid white.

I’ve tried looking for pictures online but can’t find any with the lacing just in one spot really and the rest solid white? Does she just maybe have weird genetics? Or maybe I’m being thrown off because of her naked neck? Any thoughts appreciated! I don’t know a ton about chicken genetics and colors / patterns.

She isn’t a Silkie, exactly, but she is a Silkie cross. I can see why you asked, it’s not a common coloring.
I think she might be a white silver wheaten. (Silver Wheaten with dominant white.)
The red would be caused by the autosomal red found on every silver wheaten and everything that would normally be black would be white.

Or maybe she is some kind of white silver columbian with autosomal red?
@nicalandia thoughts?
She isn’t a Silkie, exactly, but she is a Silkie cross. I can see why you asked, it’s not a common coloring.
I think she might be a white silver wheaten. (Silver Wheaten with dominant white.)
The red would be caused by the autosomal red found on every silver wheaten and everything that would normally be black would be white.

Or maybe she is some kind of white silver columbian with autosomal red?
@nicalandia thoughts?
Thank you for the help!
Was I incorrect in thinking she is buff colored or laced?

I can’t figure out the difference between buff and silver wheaten coloring if you can explain that to me. Sorry again I don’t know much about chicken genetics if I’m asking common questions, I’ve been googling all day and am still a bit confused 😅

As far as her being a silkie mix, do you know what the mix could be? Is she not fully silky because if the satin feathers? Sorry again I know nothing 😭
Thank you for the help!
Was I incorrect in thinking she is buff colored or laced?

I can’t figure out the difference between buff and silver wheaten coloring if you can explain that to me. Sorry again I don’t know much about chicken genetics if I’m asking common questions, I’ve been googling all day and am still a bit confused 😅

As far as her being a silkie mix, do you know what the mix could be? Is she not fully silky because if the satin feathers? Sorry again I know nothing 😭
Genetically, buff means a gold bird that has phaomelanin extended all over the body.
I only use it in the context of birds that are solid buff e^wh/e^whCo/CoDb/DbMh/MhDi/Di. In my mind it is diluted mahogany (red) rather than pure gold like gold Columbians e^wh/e^whCo/Co which have no mahogany or dilutions. But many people call gold Columbian birds “buff Columbian” because it is the same shade as buff.
Buff laced sebrights probably should be called white laced gold.
A lot of chickens have edging on their feathers that looks like lacing but that doesn’t mean it really is. But I wasn’t too worried about your terminology since you were just describing her.
Buff Orpington (note that solid golden color)

Silver wheaten Marans (I think it also might be splash because the tail is solid white)

The Marans has more gold on its neck but it’s possible that your bird has some melanizers that prevent the gold from reaching its neck.)

She isn’t Silkie because of the satin feathers.
To make showgirls like that they cross with Naked Necks.

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