Help! I think my goose got pecked real bad


Jun 27, 2019
Help i think my goose has been pecked very bad. I already seperated him and he is now inside. But what can i do to help ease his pain and discomfort?
He has been fine with all the chickens for 2 weeks. I dont understand it.
What can i put on it as well?
Is the bloody flesh his entire scalp? I don't mean to worry you but that looks very severe. Even just a spot of red can prompt chicks to peck, so it looks like he was pecked over and over again. Definitely keep him separated. I would wash the injury with some saline and apply some antibacterial ointment on the skin very gently with a Q tip and make sure he is eating and drinking. Also since goslings love to stick their heads in the water, make sure his water is very clean and changed out often until that wound is healed.
You can make your own saline by putting a teaspoon of salt in 2 cups of water, putting it in a microwave-safe container, stir, and then microwaving for 1-2 minutes, until the salt is completely disolved. Then let it cool all the way down to room temperature (you can put it in the fridge for a bit to speed up that process).
Once made, the saline is good for 24 hours refrigerated, after that throw it out and make another batch.
Is the bloody flesh his entire scalp? I don't mean to worry you but that looks very severe. Even just a spot of red can prompt chicks to peck, so it looks like he was pecked over and over again. Definitely keep him separated. I would wash the injury with some saline and apply some antibacterial ointment on the skin very gently with a Q tip and make sure he is eating and drinking. Also since goslings love to stick their heads in the water, make sure his water is very clean and changed out often until that wound is healed.
He was fine yesterday. Then when i went out to coop there he was. Ive had a indecent with my last flock where a chicken got stuck and they pecked her head that sever. She survived but lost a eye. I just hope he makes it. Im wondering if he got stuck some place and thats when it happened. Thank you for the help. Is there anything i can do for the pain? and how do i make him drink and eat if hes not
Chicken grow faster than ducks and geese. And young roosters and even some hens can get aggressive when they start to get some size on them. Waterfowl have a bill that is only good for grabbing and pinching. They can only fight one chicken at a time and they'll usually try to avoid confrontation. Geese are pretty laid back most of the time. Until they get some size on them and can flail a chicken with their wings they're fairly vulnerable. Gosling are more likely to duck and cover while screaming for help than they are to put up a fight. They will also try to run away, but that's not useful in an enclosed space.

Not only can chickens do more damage, they aren't too proud to gang up on anyone being attacked by another chicken. Once they can fly they're not limited to a ground attack either. When the chicks are less than three weeks old or more than three months old they can mix with duck and geese that are larger than they are. They may still bully timid birds, but if your waterfowl are not severely outnumbered they can get along.

The injuries look bad, but young birds are resilient. As long as he's eating and responds to his environment he has a good chance of recovering. Putting another goose or a duck that's about the same age as him in with him might help. Waterfowl are very social and he'll do better with someone to talk to. Other than that you'll want to keep the wound clean, as well as his bedding. You can use an aerosol antibiotic but I wouldn't try to put on a bandage, not even a liquid one. Do what you can to keep flies away from him though. And if anything looks like it's getting worse post a new picture
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