Help! I rescued a baby chick, I need some help taking care of him

By the way the temperature in Malaysia is usually quite hot even at night and there is no winter, should a cage covering do the job for now?
I guess if is hot he should be fine but monitor him just in case and feeding him eggs and bananas is also good because eggs contain a lot of protein but if he starts getting weaker get him a heat lamp or you could also get a light bulb that's not led because those produce heat and are not that expensive and give him wet cat or dog food
I guess if is hot he should be fine but monitor him just in case and feeding him eggs and bananas is also good because eggs contain a lot of protein but if he starts getting weaker get him a heat lamp or you could also get a light bulb that's not led because those produce heat and are not that expensive and give him wet cat or dog food
Thanks a lot! Ill sure be giving him lots more eggs

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