HELP! I can't figure correct baytril dose, my silkie is close to death

Here is my Silkie's Baytril prescription. She weighed one and a half pounds at the time. The strength of the Baytril was 11.3 mg/ml.
We gave her 0.7ml. every 4 hours.

If your 4 month old weighs 3/4 of a lb. then you could give 0.35ml if the concentration of Baytril is the same as the above (11.3mg/ml).

Actually, your boy weighs almost as much as our Silkie did. Your Baytril concentration is stronger than mine. My concentration is about 1.25%. So yours is twice as strong.
Perhaps you can use half as much as I did and give him 3 ml. every 24 hours until you can get to a vet?
I don't know if the strength is the same, it says on the bottle Baytril 2.5%, mine was for my cockatiel when he got an infection and I can't get higher strength til tomorrow, I really can't do all the maths chicken grandma, it seems mine is much weaker than yours and I have no idea how to counteract it - pieced together the information I came up with was 5mg per lb, is that accurate? If it is her dosage for 2.5 percent Baytril would be 0.24 ml, I have to administer it urgently, is this right?
Alfred's Mama :

I don't know if the strength is the same, it says on the bottle Baytril 2.5%, mine was for my cockatiel when he got an infection and I can't get higher strength til tomorrow, I really can't do all the maths chicken grandma, it seems mine is much weaker than yours and I have no idea how to counteract it - pieced together the information I came up with was 5mg per lb, is that accurate? If it is her dosage for 2.5 percent Baytril would be 0.24 ml, I have to administer it urgently, is this right?

No, your baytril concentration is stronger so you must give less than I did. I think you wuld be safe with .25ml of liquid by syringe. I don't think Gapeworms is likely based on his history.​

I really am clueless, I found a calculator on a rat website, I heard somewhere it's 5ml per lb for small chickens but not sure - if I can verify that it calculates the dose instantly - it doesn't matter what species as you enter your own __mg per lb depending what animal, I'm so lost, the medicine is right here and he's weakening right in front of me
Thank you so much, he wasn't happy about it but I managed to give him the full dose, for a very sick chicken he certainly had alot of energy trying to try wriggling away - he's sleeping now and looks so peaceful, more so than the last few days, that's either a very bad thing or a very good thing, I guess only time will tell now
how many days should I give it to him for? Fingers crossed for my poor baby boy
Did you have a vet that was treating him for his other problems?
I would go back to that vet.
Since you don't know what the problem is, it impossible to treat crrrectly.
Giving an antibiotic is just guessing.

My silkie was given Baytril for 5 days. We also gave her probiotics to keep some good bacteria flourishing in her gut.

No matter what happens, know that you did a wonderful thing by caring for a little rooster with some health problems.
In the end, God controls life and death.

Hugs accross the ocean, Nancy
I'm taking him to see the vet in the morning - I had a specialist vet treat him last week for a leg and joint problem due to a vitamin D deficiency, he put him on 2mg of Metacam to treat any pain and inflammation, mixed into a spoonful of wet feed and also Zolcal-D 0.5ml orally, twice daily which I give him at 10.00 in the morning and 10 at night, he was beginning to respond well and alot of the swelling had gone down, sufficient for him to be able to get up and walk a little (albeit quite wobbly), until he started sneezing and getting generally weak, loose droppings, gaping and generally lethargic, I heard a sort of click noise the other day as he inhaled and exhaled but haven't heard it since - since this morning he has found it harder to eat his regular grain and kept dropping it as he tried to get it into his mouth, I made up some wet food with mushed up peas, long grain rice (boiled), millet seed (boiled til soft), small pieces of wet brown bread stirred up into a 'porridge', it did the trick and he ate quite alot, he has now though started to shun water (which I put children's dioralyte in to retain hydration lost from his loose droppings), if he doesn't have a good drink when I offer him the bowl I give him 10 ml at intervals. His breathing does seem a bit more at ease after the Baytril, enough that he doesn't appear to be gaping quite as much ( he wasn't doing it constantly, just every now and then, usually at night), when I took him for his leg to be treated he had an x-ray which showed no broken bones, fractures, injuries or any other noticable problems such as tumours or impaction etc, I did mention to the vets that I had a feeling he was coming down with something but he told me since he wasn't gaping very much and I only heard his breathing click once, it wasn't enough to say he had an infection; the thing is I think vet's often overlook our intuition, I can't help but feel angry that thanks to him not giving me something to take home just in case he took ill over the weekend, he's in a bad way now - I think despite my annoyance at having already spent almost £200 to help treat his leg, I'll be taking him right back there tomorrow, and paying another 30 at least for a whole new consultation, because I wasn't taken seriously the first time, but then I'd rather have to part with money than risk a lesser qualified vet take guesses and get it wrong - I was asking about the dose of Baytril though just in case he doesn't want to give him the medication and tries to persuade me to euthanise him, he was given a week to improve and was doing great til he got worse with whatever is causing this, made worse by the fact he's had to wait for any treatment because of the vet, I have alot of confidence that if I can just get him over this he'll get back on track, maybe slow but at least getting there. I'll keep this thread updated and let you know how he gets on tomorrow, I just really hope they find what's wrong and treat it promptly
I almost forgot, in the day he started getting loose droppings he also started doing this backwards shuffle walk, he can go forwards a few steps, but then shuffles backwards until he's in a corner, sometimes rump right up in the air just before settling, I did some looking up and found out about wry neck, apparently a vitamin E deficiency - I'm wondering if that could be affecting his breathing too and making him gape somehow, that would definitely explain alot, it confuses me though because he seems more comfortable after the dose of Baytril I gave him earlier, this guy has me stumped!

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