Help!!! I am really stressing out, chickens dying. I am such a bad chicken mommy!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 22, 2012
It all started when one of my cockerels started opening his mouth and streching out his next, he stoped eating and drinking. I wormed them all but he still did not make it, after that I lost 6 more birds, now I have some chicks that are in the house and they are now doing the same thing and one has blood in poo. This year has been so tuff on me I have lost so many birds I am thinking I just am not ment to have chickens. All my ducks are doing fine, have not lost any to things like this. I seen today that some of my older chicks out side have mites/lice so I am geting some 7 dust today. What can I do to safe the chicks in the house? I have already lost 1 last night that just had blood in poo but I am treating for coccidiosis in the chicks so I dont know why they would have blood in the poo (it is mostly blood). Please someone help me! I am about in tears over all this, really wish I could fix this before any more die. Oh and I am to worm agen tomorrow and I have safegourd for goats, can I give that to the chicks? they are only 3 weeks old. If you can give it to them what would be the best way and how much? Also what is the best way for older birds and how much? Thanks for any help, the way this is going the 18 eggs I have hatching out will be sold right when they get out the bator so they dont die too. I really dont want to sale them but cant take anymore die under my watch.
The one that has blood in poo is in the house, the one I lost yesterday was in the house too and they both have blood in the poo. I do have some outside that eat berrys and it looks kinda like blood but this is not the same color, this red
I've never had coccidiosis in my flock but... have you been feeding a medicated feed?

Sometimes the intestines will shed a little and that is normal but losing them is not. Have you checked their vents? Make sure they are not picking at each other's vents. Might this be where the blood is coming from?

I depend heavily on yogurt... plain, unsweetened yogurt. It's extremely good for them and provides beneficial bacteria to the gut. I would add yogurt to what you're doing. Mix a little of it into their food to start with. The food will absorb the moisture and then will still be a bit dry but clumping together. Feed this to them.

If you're not sure they have worms, don't worm them "just in case." Wormers are a poison and your bird needs to be in pretty good health before you give it. If they are already struggling or are weak, it can kill them. It's a question of who will die first... the worms... or your bird? That's why they need to be good and strong. The instructions on the bottle tell you not to use it if the bird is struggling. If you haven't seen worms in their droppings or had them tested, I'm not sure they can have worms at 3 weeks, but I could be wrong.

All I can advise is to give them some yogurt and keep them warm and provide fresh water.
That sounds like coccidia to me, too. How much corid are you putting their water? I would start feeding them medicated feed as well, even medicated chick starter if need be. Yogurt or kefir will help a ton. I've successfully raised chicks without medication by using yogurt. Keep us posted. Good luck with your flock!
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And I'm sorry for you losses.
You aren't a bad chicken mommy. Everyone has to learn some things the hard way. I lost 1 to coccidia, 4-5 to accidental suffocation, (that was a real heart breaker. If your chickens get an illness, you can rest knowing it wasn't you who gave it to them. If you suffocate them... Not so much.) 15 to a dog attack after I forgot to lock my coop, the list goes on. Chickens die. Despite our best efforts, sometimes we just cannot prevent it. All we can do is give them the best life we possibly can and I'm sure your doing that. :)

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