Help! hatched chick with blood sac attached for a while is struggling


Apr 26, 2022
Can somebody help? I had 4 chicks hatch last night, 3 were perfectly normal. The 4th had a blood sac and yolk attached for a while, yolk leaked everywhere, blood sac lasted until this afternoon. I just checked on her and she feels super thin compared to the others and weak. I found her upside down and her stomach just doesn't seem right. Is there anything I can do for her?
Unfortunately I agree that there is nothing you can really do now the sac has burst. The blood and yolk are what they live from for up to 72 hours post hatch after they have absorbed it during the hatching process. Sometimes they can be saved by putting them in a cup so they can absorb without moving around but you have to do this immediately. Personally if the chick were mine I would cull. I’m very sorry about your chick :hugs
Unfortunately I agree that there is nothing you can really do now the sac has burst. The blood and yolk are what they live from for up to 72 hours post hatch after they have absorbed it during the hatching process. Sometimes they can be saved by putting them in a cup so they can absorb without moving around but you have to do this immediately. Personally if the chick were mine I would cull. I’m very sorry about your chick :hugs
I was very afraid of this :( It doesn't look healthy enough to survive but was hoping for a miracle. Thanks for the information.
I had 3 hatch like that unfortunately. One did good for a few days but then went downhill. None of them made it ☹️ it was devastating. I understand how you are feeling 💚
Can somebody help? I had 4 chicks hatch last night, 3 were perfectly normal. The 4th had a blood sac and yolk attached for a while, yolk leaked everywhere, blood sac lasted until this afternoon. I just checked on her and she feels super thin compared to the others and weak. I found her upside down and her stomach just doesn't seem right. Is there anything I can do for her?
Did you cull? If not, pictures would be helpful. Was this baby assisted?
I did not cull yet, I can't bring myself to do it quite yet because it is moving around as of now. Let me grab a few pictures.
Okay, I dont blame you to be honest. It may possibly be the kindest thing to do, and if you decide on it, there are gentle methods that arent so graphic, if thats what is putting you off. @WVduckchick do you know of the ether method? I don't know the details.

I'm just curious first, as to how large the yolk was, and how the naval area looks now. The main threat is the nutrient source being gone, and infection setting in. If you wanted to try and save this baby, those are the two things that need to be addressed

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