Help---Egg without shell


Mar 2, 2016
Hi there, I have had my flock for a few months now and I have never seen this before. My hen just laid a egg by my back door but with no shell. She doesn't seem to be doing a lot, but just sitting there for hours. I went out and gave her water she didnt want it at first then realized what it was and started drinking. They are in the process of molting, but I have never heard of a egg being laid with out any kind of shell...What should I do for her? IS she sick? Should I keep her away from the flock? Thank you for any suggestions! Jen
She's fine. This happens from time to time. Its perfectly normal. It just didn't get a shell coating over the membrane when the egg was being made. Now if it starts happening a lot then its likely a calcium deficiency. I call em jello eggs.

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