Help! Duckling piped and bill is sticking out


Aug 4, 2023
Hi all,
Yesterday anfternoon our first duck egg pipped. We know ducks take a long time to fully hatch so we weren’t worried however by 10pm the duck had pushed its bill thru the pipped area. It’s breathing and opening/closing its bill but not making noises. I figured it’s still breathing so we are good. Went to bed and this morning it doesn’t look like any progress has been made. It is now 4pm and still no progress (no zipping). I’m wondering if the duck can not get its bill back into the shell to continue breaking it. Again, it’s still opening/closing it’s mouth and every so often moving but I’m afraid it’s getting shrink wrapped. Knowing this is typically a long process is keeping me from intervening but how long should I wait? I have been trying to find videos or photos of someone in a similar situation but haven’t. So any info help is greatly appreciated.


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Here is a guide to assisted hatching. It includes information on how to assist, but also when to assist and when not to assist.

A few bits that seem relevant:
Ducklings and goslings take a really long time sometimes from the time of external pip to the zip. You may want to allow them 24 to 36 hours before you start an assist.

If the chick is making yawning or eating motions, it's still absorbing the yolk. Leave it alone for now. Ducklings especially take a long time to absorb everything. If your duckling is yawning or chewing, let it be, it's not ready.

Based on that, I think your duckling is probably still absorbing the yolk, and should be left alone for a while longer.
When they say ducklings take a long time .... what they mean is they take a REALLY long time. I had one pip tuesday it just hatched this morning. Many times i've seen exactly what you are seeing. Beak out but making motions. It's just not ready yet. Shrink wrapping is so much more rare than people make it out to be. Just relax. Baby ducky will be here before you know it and you'll forget about the anxiety or waiting cos it's little face will melt your heart.
It can definitely still get its bill back in, so no worries there.

I don’t love the way that membrane is looking though.

The “chewing” motion / “yawning” says that baby is still absorbing its yolk sac, as @NatJ mentioned.

24 hours (ish) is not yet time to intervene generally IMO

....what is your humidity level and how confident are you that it is accurate?
What is your temp and how confident are you that it is accurate?
What type of duck and what day are you on?
Any other eggs in the bator?
If so, how are they progressing?

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