Help duckling is getting feather plucked out


Mar 31, 2020
Hello I have 4 duckling, 2 I think are khaki Campbells and to which are about a week younger Rouen ducklings. I’m used to chickens. These are our first ducklings. The biggest KC admiral drake is getting pecked in his wings
by the other Kc quackers to the point of bleeding. I have previously separated quackers for a while a couple weeks ago for the same thing but since brought them back when they moved to a larger brooder. I know I need to separate them again. But what should I do? Do you think it’s just a space thing? They seem to do well when we let them free range. Can I just move them out of the brooder now? Any and all advice would be appreciated. also for the wound should I just clean with iodine and anti bac ointment? 7D78F0DB-7A91-41E4-A82C-DE18ADE045A0.jpeg 65AB1EF1-103A-4FFB-993E-D83F8E90FE90.jpeg


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Definitely a space and boredom thing. Ducklings grow so quickly it's hard to keep a brooder big enough for them! Now that the feathers are coming in nicely you can start to acclimate them to hotter and colder temps.

I have ducklings that are basically fully feathered and they're only coming in to the brooder for nighttime now...mostly because I haven't got their space outside secure from the males in my flock. They even spent the whole day in the rain yesterday...I'm sure they weren't thrilled with it but they learn quickly!

You can try cleaning the feathers up a bit and apply a little bit of Neosporin, but chances are they will just preen it off. Keeping their brooder and water sources clean will be most helpful.

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