HELP!! Bloody bator & Day old chick with blood sack from butt


6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Just South of Atlanta
I had 6 chicks hatch yesterday on day 21 and I have 10 eggs left. I woke up this morning To find blood all in the bator. A quick inventory showed one chick with a blood "sack" hanging from its butt. The chick is walking fine but dragging this thing around with it. There are blood marks everywhere one on all of the remaining eggs. Two questions: how do I help this little guy and can he be saved? What, do I do about the blood smeared on my eggs, other chicks, and bator... Will it hurt them? HELP PLEASE

trying to get pics to upload now
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Ok, i was worried about your little chick and this has never happened to me before so i looked it up on google and i found something. Just type in "blood sack on chicks butt" first you will see your thread and then the third one should be a byc thread click on that and if your chick looks like the one in the pictures than read on, if that is no help go to the second one!! Hope i helped, please let me know how its doing when you know more information!!
Thank you for that link and for responding! At this point I've pretty much done what the link suggested. I don't have a separate incubator (1st hatch EVER) but I have isolated him in his own container with a damp paper towel. I researched on the site and found that cornstarch can help control bleeding so I dabbed a bit of that around it's butt. It seems to be bleeding less ( paper towel only has a couple of blood spots). And he has good energy. I don't know what else to do. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Anyone else with ideas?
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All you can do now is hope he absorbs that sack. Pray for the best but be prepared for the worst. There is still a very real chance you can lose this chick. There is a chance you may have to euthanize it if things go really wrong... like it did for me last month. With the sack hanging out, a chick may jerk it hard enough to pull out intestines. Watch for that. I am not trying to freak you out, but you should be aware of what may go wrong. The blood loss alone has me concerned.
Well, I'm freaking out a little lol, but I'm also fairly level headed and if I have to, I have to. He's bleeding less but there are literally blood trails and spots all over the bator. I swear it looks like Freddy Kruger got loose in there.

I'm watching close and keeping my fingers crossed but I realistically know there may not be anything I can do for him :(

Does anyone know if the blood and goop will harm the other chicks or the unhatched eggs?
Okay, this thing is getting bigger ...

This is sounding pretty familiar. :( The chick I had to put down also pulled the sack out more before the intestines got pulled out to. I really hope you don't experience the same thing. I will be completey honest. Its chances are not good, especially if its lost as much blood as you say.

:hugs :hugs :hugs
Okay, this thing is getting bigger ...

It looks like a prolapse. I'm afraid at this point you can try to help it by pushing everything back in and seeing if it will stay, but if it was born with this problem, the chances of it living are very slim.

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