HELP! Baby chick is not eating!


May 10, 2020

This is my first time posting, please forgive any mistakes I make. These Copper Maran/easter eggers chicks were all scheduled to hatch on May 1st and May 4th. The smallest black chick, we noticed yesterday, was only sleeping and had no energy. I decided to give it molasses and water, which perked she up. And then when I noticed she wasn't eating or drinking, I started to give her warmed yogurt. She is not interested in wet or dry chick feed, only warmed yogurt. Her stool yesterday was wet and green. As of an hour ago, I noticed that she drank water on her own. I'm just worried about what's wrong with her because it seems like she hasn't grown at all.
Any reasons or help as to why she won't eat would be appreciated.


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Adding Corid just in case this chick is the first to be affected by coccidiosis might help - as long as she wasn't vaccinated for coccidiosis - if you hatched them I'm guessing not. If you have poultridrench (or can get some tomorrow) I would recommend that too. Have you tried doing hard boiled egg yolks yet?
Adding Corid just in case this chick is the first to be affected by coccidiosis might help - as long as she wasn't vaccinated for coccidiosis - if you hatched them I'm guessing not. If you have poultridrench (or can get some tomorrow) I would recommend that too. Have you tried doing hard boiled egg yolks yet?
I tried the boiled egg yolks, she wasn't interested in them. And when I tried giving her egg yolk, some of it drippled on her chin and made her a target for the other chicks.
I tried the boiled egg yolks, she wasn't interested in them. And when I tried giving her egg yolk, some of it drippled on her chin and made her a target for the other chicks.

Sigh. I would definitely go the Corid and poultridrench route - if you can get a little more molasses and water in her in the mean time, I would. Is she staying warm enough?
Sigh. I would definitely go the Corid and poultridrench route - if you can get a little more molasses and water in her in the mean time, I would. Is she staying warm enough?
SHe is, she is right under the heat lamp. Also, the other chicks won't go near her, she will peep for company and they ignore her.
I agree give corid just in case of cocci, and vitamins in the water if you can. This could be a case of failure to thrive. The chick already seems to be significantly smaller than the others. The watery green poop could indicate infection or starvation.
Have you checked her crop for any sign of impaction? Also check the vent for pasty butt (vent blocked with poop).

Encourage her to drink the water with molasses several times a day. If it were me I would be giving a few drops every hour throughout the day and see if it makes a difference.
I'm going to the store today to get the corid and the vitamins. What do you mean by checking her crop?
And I've been giving her warmed yogurt (or the liquid from the yogurt) mixed with molasses.

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