which sould i get rid of if needed?

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Yes actually you do...the little area on the right side of your set up is the run. The coop is the little closed in side on the left.
I agree with separating them with some fencing. They'll be able to see each other (get used to each other) yet can't harm each other. After a few weeks, reintroduction should go rather seamlessly (there will still be some pecking order behavior to determine "ranks" so to speak).
New birds cannot just be dumped in with established birds. Chickens have a pecking order and will fight to keep it. The very best way to integrate new to old is the "Look but don't touch," integration method. You can put that in the search box and it should pop up. Your BO with chicks will fiercely fight to protect them.
A new bird is always in the "sites," as an interloper. It takes some finesse to get both sides to behave.
thank you so much also I don't see why she would still be protecting the chicks when they are all 2 months now and the new one is 2 months too

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