Help! Accidentally gave baby chicks Arizona Tea!!!


In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2018
Hey guys i am new to this website and am fairly new to chick owning. I accidentally gave my 2 week old baby chicks Arizona tea with green tea in ginsing, vitamin c, sugar. Is it TOXIC???They only had access to it for about 10min before i realized what i did, so i dont think theu got much but i definitely saw them drink it! I know it sounds stupid and how could i be such a terrible negligent owner, please help! It been about 20 min. They are acting fine. Shoud i worry or do anything? I immediately rinsed out the waterer gave them their normal water with probiotics and electrolytes and diluted it again with 50% normal tap water.

I had used an old Arizona tea jug to mix their water and labeled it and put it in the fridge. Well there was another exact same jug in the fridge that had real tea and i gave it to them. I put the jug back in fridge and saw their labeled jug already in the fridge!!! It looked just like theirs!!! Idk why i didnt notice i gave them the jug labeled for them!!
I feel horrible!
They should be fine if they only had a small amount.
The real concern with tea is the caffeine. Caffeine can be fatal to chickens but a small enough dose probably will not harm your chicks.
Continue to monitor them.
They should be fine if they only had a small amount.
The real concern with tea is the caffeine. Caffeine can be fatal to chickens but a small enough dose probably will not harm your chicks.
Continue to monitor them.
Tip: leave their water jug out on the counter or something.
Water with electrolytes and probiotics does not need to be chilled.

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