Hello there! I’m new to the chicken world!


Apr 12, 2021
Hello! I’ve had our four chicks for a little over three weeks. An Easter Egger, Silver Laced Wyandotte and two golden sex links. We got them for eggs, but I’m quite positive one of the GSL is a roo 😬. I’ve become quite possibly a little obsessed over them... 🥰. I am enjoying this way more than I thought I would!

I’ve been reading on treats for chickens. At the feed store I see mealworms everywhere, but when I was looking up safe treats it says not to feed them mealworms???
Here’s the link: https://cluckin.net/why-is-it-illegal-to-feed-mealworms-to-chickens.html

Also, one site says yes to strawberry tops, the other says no they’re poisonous 😳. I just want to take care of them and give them safe treats. Any advice for a newbie would be appreciated! Thank you!
Hello! I’ve had our four chicks for a little over three weeks. An Easter Egger, Silver Laced Wyandotte and two golden sex links. We got them for eggs, but I’m quite positive one of the GSL is a roo 😬. I’ve become quite possibly a little obsessed over them... 🥰. I am enjoying this way more than I thought I would!

I’ve been reading on treats for chickens. At the feed store I see mealworms everywhere, but when I was looking up safe treats it says not to feed them mealworms???
Here’s the link: https://cluckin.net/why-is-it-illegal-to-feed-mealworms-to-chickens.html

Also, one site says yes to strawberry tops, the other says no they’re poisonous 😳. I just want to take care of them and give them safe treats. Any advice for a newbie would be appreciated! Thank you!
Congrats on your chicks!
Early on, someone gave me a helpful tip that treats should be no more than 10% of their diet, which includes scratch grains (feed only as a treat). As for other treats, mine like shredded cheese pieces, cucumbers, tomato guts, grape pieces, black oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn, blueberries, watermelon, even scrambled eggs!
Hello! I’ve had our four chicks for a little over three weeks. An Easter Egger, Silver Laced Wyandotte and two golden sex links. We got them for eggs, but I’m quite positive one of the GSL is a roo 😬. I’ve become quite possibly a little obsessed over them... 🥰. I am enjoying this way more than I thought I would!

I’ve been reading on treats for chickens. At the feed store I see mealworms everywhere, but when I was looking up safe treats it says not to feed them mealworms???
Here’s the link: https://cluckin.net/why-is-it-illegal-to-feed-mealworms-to-chickens.html

Also, one site says yes to strawberry tops, the other says no they’re poisonous 😳. I just want to take care of them and give them safe treats. Any advice for a newbie would be appreciated! Thank you!
I give my hens and roosters anything they want. If they turn their beaks up at it, so be it. If not I let them chow down. I see no reason not to give them mealworms. I treat my birds with them on occasion, especially if I need them to go back in their run!

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